Michigan State University (MSU) Broad MBA Skype面试面经 [2011-01-26]zz
今天刚刚知道什么叫blind interview...(惭愧,功课没有做好)就是interviewer手上就你的一张CV,其他对你一概不知。所以,我花了好多时间在解释说明一些我本以为他因该知道的东西。
1. Why MBA,Why now, Why MSU?
2. Give a example of you initiate a project and how you implemented it
3. Your Int'l Experiece
4. Your expected contribution to the mba community
5. Failure and how to tackle
6. Your Team work Experiece
7. Q&A
他家比较特别,上来直接就why mba了。我连short term/long term goal 都没有说呢,就直接进入why了。我说Because I want a MBA to realize my short term and long term goal, which is abc and xyz. 第一个问题整整结结巴巴说了有10分钟。不过他到很好,没有完全打断我。就让我blah,blah,blah说下去。
要挂的时候,我连thank you for taking yr time什么的寒暄说道一半被他挂机了,然后,就结束了。
然后,就上来和同学们诉诉苦。。。 |