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Questions 85-86
In opposing the 1970 Clean Air Act, the United States automobile industry argued that meeting the act’s standards for automobile emissions was neither economically feasible nor environmentally necessary. However, the catalytic converter, invented in 1967, enabled automakers to meet the 1970 standards efficiently. Currently, automakers are lobbying against the government’s attempt to pass legislation that would tighten restrictions on automobile emissions. The automakers contend that these new restrictions would be overly expensive and unnecessary to efforts to curb air pollution. Clearly, the automobile industry’s position should not be heeded.
85. Which one of the following most accurately expresses the method used to counter the automakers’ current position?
(A) The automakers’ premises are shown to lead to a contradiction.
(B) Facts are mentioned that show that the automakers are relying on false inFORMation.
(C) A flaw is pointed out in the reasoning used by the automakers to reach their conclusion.
(D) A comparison is drawn between the automakers’ current position and a position they held in the past.
(E) Evidence is provided that the new emissions legislation is both economically feasible and environmentally necessary
答案选D,请问版主,comparison between the automakers' curreent position and a position they held in the past is in which place,what is this comparison?
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有疑问,the catalytic converter enabled automakers to meet the 1970

standards efficiently,并不能证明catalytic converter(CC)不会是overly expensive

的,如果CC是overly expensive的话,那么汽车商的诉求并没有错..期待下一个看到这个



所以,the automakers’ current position and a position they held in the past. is the same,is it alright?T

Thank you !


这里比较的是automobile industry抵制政府1970年通过的控制尾气排放的Clean Air Act和目前抵制政府通过加强尾气排放控制的法规。 automobile industry认为1970年的法规中加强尾气排放的措施经济上不可行,但1967年发明的catalytic converter enabled automakers to meet the 1970 standards efficiently。所有现在他们用同样的理由来抵制新的尾气控制法案也是一样没有根据的。



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