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美国商学院Profiles- Cornell University

Getting In

Cornell University Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management

Warren Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca , New York 14853-7801

Web site

Program e-mail address:

Program telephone number:
(607) 255-8472

Private Institution
AACSB accredited: Yes
Four Year

  Business program:
Four Year

Degrees offered:

Degree/Program Name:
BS/Applied Economics and Management
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The ability to take classes in Cornell's six other colleges is a major advantage that should not be overlooked. Since I have an interest in sales, I was able to take advantage of social psychology courses in the College of Arts and Sciences and hospitality courses in the School of Hotel Administration. Being able to mix with students of other majors has also improved my overall perspective on some business issues.

It is very small and I think it creates an intimate learning environment. I also think that the teaching staff is incredible. The learning environment is awesome.


What motivates me is innovation. The idea of figuring out how to do something different, or trying something new excites me. Cornell's AEM program has done that since the day I arrived. Whether it's offering new classes, updating/changing class curricula, or sponsoring/offering relevant programing your experience in the program is constantly evolving for the better. As a senior, it makes me wish I was a freshman so that I could take advantage of all the new opportunities to come.

Cornell's undergraduate business program is unique because of it's small size and the high caliber of the students. It seems as if all the business students know each other and it promotes a feeling of unity. In addition, the students are some of the hardest working people I have ever met. Thus, this promotes an environment of beneficial competitiveness and draws out the best of everyone.


The business program itself is very small (~200 students at graduation), but Cornell is very large. You have the benefits of a small program, while at the same time get to experience the vast array of extracurriculars available and the social life of a large school.

This is an amazing program. The only caveat that I have encountered is that you need to be motivated to really take advantage of what's there. The professors will be very helpful if you go to office hours, but you need to do that on your own volition, the career services can help you with job searching, but again, you need to take the time to sit down and work with them. Simply going to class will still make you prepared, but not the full extent that Cornell CAN make you prepared.


Cornell offers a wide variety of business classes, in areas from agribusiness to finance. Within each specialization, there is a great breadth of classes and learning opportunities. This enables you to take a class in virtually any subject you want.

The alumni interaction with students in our program and throughout the whole Cornell community is great. I worked for an alumni of the Johnson Graduate Business School last summer at an Investment Bank. Subsequently, I was able to get a great job offer from a top investment bank working for a private equity fund with a number of other Cornell graduates, among others. All of our alumni seem to have a very strong connection to the school and love to help its students succeed.


The program has made vast improvements over the past ten years. The faculty is dedicated and experienced. The future of the school in their eyes is being the best undergraduate business schools in the country, and this belief is seen in the way they operate.

Extreme grade inflation. Too many jocks. Material gets watered down and pace is too slow and still students do poorly. Despite the fact that I've exhausted most of the courses I find interesting in the major, I don't feel that I've learned anything new the past few semesters. Clubs are too exclusive, need a resume and sometimes interviews to join. People seem to be in primarily to have things to put on their resumes.


Graduate Comments

Some of the teachers that we have in our program can't be matched. They genuinely care about their students on a personal and academic level. It's comforting as a student to know that they can approach their teachers if they have any problems.

The school is run like a business. I often feel they only really care about our education in that it boosts their place in ratings like these. There is a lot of incentive to take "easy-A" classes and it is really up to the student whether they want to get a fully rounded education (which most students with an eye on the Manhattan high life don't care about.)



Top internship recruiters, 2008-09:

Other Internship Recruiters:


Grads accepted jobs in following industries:

Accounting: 13  %
Consumer Products/Retail: 5  %
Consulting Services: 8  %
Financial Services: 41  %
Government/Education: 5  %
Pharma/Biotech/Health: 6  %
Manufacturing: 2  %
Media/Entertainment: 3  %
Petroleum/Energy: 0  %
Real Estate: 0  %
Sports/Leisure: 2  %
Technology/Science: 6  %
Non-Profit: 2  %
Other: 7  %

Percentage of job acceptances, US and Canada:

US: 98  %
Canada: 2  %

Grads accepted jobs in the following US regions:

Northeast: 65  %
Mid-Atlantic: 10  %
Midwest: 4  %
South: 4  %
Southwest: 5  %
West: 12  %
US Possessions/Territories: 0  %


Other Hiring Firms:

Capital One
Hanover Insurance Group

Graduate compensation:

Mean base salary: $  51,567
Median base salary: $  55,000
Mean signing bonus: $  7,245
Median signing bonus: $  7,500

Grads accepted jobs in following functional areas:

Consulting: 5  %
Finance/Accounting: 61  %
General Management: 8  %
Human Resources: 1  %
Management Information Systems: 2  %
Marketing/Sales: 13  %
Operations/Production: 1  %
Logistics/Transportation: 0  %
Other: 9  %



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