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12月GMAT阅读新题给力汇总-Business & Economics

1. 通货膨胀和失业率@
       2. 第一段 一种传统的理论认为失业率像其它商品一样,反映了劳动力市场的供需情况,失业率下降,证明劳动力需求增加,员工工资就会增加,就会引起通货膨胀。经济学家希望通过关系式来找出失业率下降到何种成都不会引起通货膨胀,最后算处是6。但美国九十年代后期失业率下降,通胀也下降。
         第二段 传统理论的经济学家给出了一些新的解释,给了四五个,不记得了,有美元货币坚挺的因素,有医疗什么的因素,但这里有考题,问哪些不是,对照找出就可以了。
         第三段 传统经济学家的理由只是暂时性的,新经济学家给了两个新的解释:好像一个是科技的发展,提高了效率并根本降低了商品的成本;一个是工人的安全感下降,所以现金形式的收入下降了,在收入上会作出妥协。
1.问哪一个会削弱反驳的观点, 狗主人选的是技术不会永远进步
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V2 astramarine 710
第 二段解释了原因,以insect为例。第一个原因是北美的树木种类多,很多树在欧洲却已经灭绝了,也就是想说北美的自然环境更适合生物繁衍吧。第二个原因 是欧洲的insect更有适应力和竞争力,能够one-parent propagate,这种能力使得一种生物能在短期内迅速扩大规模(此处有考题,问什么使生物迅速增长,改写one-parent propagate)。后面还有blablabla,记不清了,应该没考题。


56. 超新星爆炸*
第一段:XXX 超新星爆炸后会变成一种 P,P会放出辐射,并最终越转越慢,有一个C(名字)的p,转的比其他p快,可以推断比其他p年轻;(这里有些内容忘掉了,大概是讲normal的p的寿命都比较短)
第二段:但最近研究有一种M型的P,寿命很长,经常出现在B恒星系统(好像是双星的意思)里。(这里有些内容也忘了,大概讲一些寿命远比normal p长的M转的仍然比较快),科学家提出了一种解释:B恒星系统里的伴星会通过某种方式增加M的寿命,并让M仍然转的快。有几种现象验证了这种说法:1、2、3,(其中一个好像是说99%的M型p出现在B恒星系统里,只有1%的normal p出现在B恒星系统里;另一个好像是说M的辐射会侵蚀伴星,最终destroy它,而科学家也发现有颗M没有伴星)

第二段讲了有一些碎片不像正常的一样慢慢变衰了,反而亮度还越来越大……因为它们大都是在一个orbiting system里面,有一个小东东绕着它转,然后它会吸收小东东的能量,不断加快转速什么的,所以就不像正常的一样慢慢衰弱。然后给了三个例子或者证明。
V4 尤条 V25
题1.作者提到normal P的百分比是为了啥?

有一个讲supernovaremainant是一个发光体,但发发就没了。比如举了个例子叫什么crab palmur。就很年轻。题有一个问,为什么知道这个crabpalmur年轻?答因为从那个remainant里面发现的所以年轻。因为第二段又发现一 种好几billion那么老的也发光,为什么?因为有行星。主题题考的本文说什么?回答是要解释一个新现象。
第 二段说新发现了一种M(拼写记不清)星,形成过程和P星一样,但却一直很能射。研究发现M星一般都有compensation星跟着。M星把 compensation星tear apart(好像是说把compensation星质量吸过来,后文有印证),compensation星使M星转得更快。于是天文学家猜想是 compensation星使M星这么能射的。

   [版本2]讲超新星爆炸。以前发现的超新星爆炸,其残余部分会spinning,然后会有radiation,但是随着aging,radiation 会减弱,最后变成normal。但是现在发现了一种新的残余部分,年龄很大,但是却还有radiation,而且spinning速度很快,不符合原来的 观察结果。但是发现了这些新发现有companion,能够使得它重新获得能量,继续radiation和spinning跟新的一样。接着列举了4个原 因来说明这个新发现是正确的。结尾句indeed....就没怎么看了。
    [版本3]“超新星爆炸”,记得的两道题有:文中第二段提到了1%(one percent), 是什么目的,回到文中定位,应该是说作者在第二段中讨论的现象是比较独特的,存在于 Golbal Cluster (星团),在 normal binary system  (双子星)中并不常见。 还有一个问题是问中子星从周围吸收物质后,发生了什么变化。答案应该是选“spin more quickly, and become pulsar again."还有文中的这句话:由于碎物一般寿命很短,所以诞生于碎物种的A同学都是很年轻的。是一个考点。
   [版本4]第一段讲超新星爆炸如何如何变为白矮星(就是能量耗尽了),这个过程产生了很多东西,形成新的星,一部分生命物质和全部的氧 都来自这个过程。第二段讲原先科学家一直都不知道这个过程如何产生的。现在知道了,然后详细解释了一番,先是在自己重力下缩得很小,然后核变开始,大量能 量把物质冲出去。 1.以下哪个不是supervalor 产生的;选B,其它都可在原文中找到A New star B Mass star C part of human D dust E 氧气 2.早期天文学家对超新星的认识过程与下面哪个类似(知其然不如其所以然) 选某生物学家知道某种病毒可以感染细胞,但不知具体过程。


第三篇 关于宇宙行星
JJ上没有。。说通常碰撞后星系中会有一些小的碎片。。 然后根据什么推断它们很年轻。 后来新发现这种行星也有上10^ 年的( 很老的意思), 而且还没有卫星。 然后就有科学家出来解释原因 说了4 点。结构还蛮清楚的, 就是关于星系的生词多。  


Since 1997, forecasters have used Global Positioning System dropwindsondes, a measuring device dropped from hurricane reconnaissance aircraft into the eyewall—the windiest part of the hurricane. The sonde system measures temperature, barometric pressure, water vapor, and wind data every 15 feet on its way down.
This new method gave meteorologists an important glimpse into the true strength of these devastating storms. The analyses of the dropwindsonde data indicated that, on average, the maximum sustained surface-wind speed was about 90 percent of the wind speed measured at the 10,000-foot aircraft level flown as Andrew approached south Florida. In 1992 Andrew's wind speed was estimated at 75 to 80 percent of the aircraft observations. The research findings resulted in an increase in the estimated wind speeds of Hurricane Andrew from 145 mph to 165 mph.


54. hurricane对maximum sustained风速的定位*
V1另一篇是写风暴眼的,研究比较了风暴眼外围和中心的强度(storm wall& storm eye),
有题问到有个房子在16th floor story?处在什么情况下其窗户最容易被风broken。我记得好像选了200mile那个
P1: 过去对hurricane风速的研究使用的方法只能测量flight level的风速(1600 feet高度),后来一种新的技术(貌似是可以卫星定位之类的)可以测量相对ground level的风速。这里涉及到2部分风速的测量,near the eye & out of the eye,对于near the eye,max通常发生在一个XX高度,而对于out of the eye则发生在更高处。其中说到一个例子,说near the eye30层高处比地面处风速快20miles/h(有题)。然后说地面相对于高空风速,near the eye地面是高空的90%,out of the eye地面是高空的78%
P2: 但是新的研究得到的结论也如何如何不特别有效,还有很多其他factors也会影响风速(有题)

1). 提到P2中其他factors的作用
2). 貌似是primary purpose

3). 最绕的一道是说given30层处的玻璃在200miles/h的风速下就会碎掉,则在以下那种情况下30楼的玻璃碎的可能性最大:
LZ选的是flight level的地方风速200miles/h的时候
说以前条件不容许研究 风暴中eyewall的 具体问题。但是科技进步,利用太空中的航拍技术(我理解的) 可以得到一系列的关于风暴的图片。 可以显示EYEWALL的问题了。
对比了 在eyewall 和 风暴周边的 速度。 一系列比较。  最后还得出EYEWALL的速度其实是多方面受影响的:还和周围条件 不然气候 温度有关的
Hurricane P1-如何探测风暴强度的一个research,提到一个aircraft带着A物体上升到空中可以探测到aircraft 自身高度以及below的位置的风暴强度(这里有一个推断题,推断A物体的一些特性,我选的是A物体只能探测到比自己位置低的风)接着讲通过这个探测,发 现eye wall的风力强度最大,它的outside一般就是90左右的风力,而到了它相对的地面的时候风里就只有78%了(这里有一个推断题,说如果测到 eyewall风力为200km/h,那么某地的风力是多少)
P2-提到现实中的一个hurricane, 说它实际上的风力低于用第一段提出的那个方法预测出来的风力,作者有一个judge说说明这种方法还需要更多的practice证据,来更好的验证完善它


Milankovitch proposed in the early twentieth century that the ice ages were caused by variations in the Earth’s orbit around the Sun. For sometime this theory was considered untestable, largely because there was no sufficiently precise chronology of the ice ages with which the orbital variations could be matched.
To establish such a chronology it is necessary to determine the relative amounts of land ice that existed at various times in the Earth’s past. A recent discovery makes such a determination possible: relative land-ice volume for a given period can be deduced from the ratio of two oxygen isotopes, 16 and 18, found in ocean sediments. Almost all the oxygen in water is oxygen 16, but a few molecules out of every thousand incorporate the heavier isotope 18. When an ice age begins, the continental ice sheets grow, steadily reducing the amount of water evaporated from the ocean that will eventually return to it. Because heavier isotopes tend to be left behind when water evaporates from the ocean surfaces, the remaining ocean water becomes progressively enriched in oxygen 18. The degree of enrichment can be determined by analyzing ocean sediments of the period, because these sediments are composed of calcium carbonate shells of marine organisms, shells that were constructed with oxygen atoms drawn from the surrounding ocean. The higher the ratio of oxygen 18 to oxygen 16 in a sedimentary specimen, the more land ice there was when the sediment was laid down.
As an indicator of shifts in the Earth’s climate, the isotope record has two advantages. First, it is a global record: there is remarkably little variation in isotope ratios in sedimentary specimens taken from different continental locations. Second, it is a more continuous record than that taken from rocks on land. Because of these advantages, sedimentary evidence can be dated with sufficient accuracy by radiometric methods to establish a precise chronology of the ice ages. The dated isotope record shows that the fluctuations in global ice volume over the past several hundred thousand years have a pattern: an ice age occurs roughly once every 100,000 years. These data have established a strong connection between variations in the Earth’s orbit and the periodicity of the ice ages.
However, it is important to note that other factors, such as volcanic particulates or variations in the amount of sunlight received by the Earth, could potentially have affected the climate. The advantage of the Milankovitch theory is that it is testable: changes in the Earth’s orbit can be calculated and dated by applying Newton’s laws of gravity to progressively earlier configurations of the bodies in the solar system. Yet the lack of information about other possible factors affecting global climate does not make them unimportant.

1.         In the passage, the author is primarily interested in
(A) suggesting an alternative to an outdated research method
(B) introducing a new research method that calls an accepted theory into question
(C) emphasizing the instability of data gathered from the application of a new scientific method
(D) presenting a theory and describing a new method to test that theory
(E) initiating a debate about a widely accepted theory
2.    The author of the passage would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements about the Milankovitch theory?
(A) It is the only possible explanation for the ice ages.
(B) It is too limited to provide a plausible explanation for the ice ages, despite recent research findings.
(C) It cannot be tested and confirmed until further research on volcanic activity is done.
(D) It is one plausible explanation, though not the only one, for the ice ages.
(E) It is not a plausible explanation for the ice ages, although it has opened up promising possibilities for future research.
3.    It can be inferred from the passage that the isotope record taken from ocean sediments would be less useful to researchers if which of the following were true?
(A) It indicated that lighter isotopes of oxygen predominated at certain times.
(B) It had far more gaps in its sequence than the record taken from rocks on land.
(C) It indicated that climate shifts did not occur every 100,000 years.
(D) It indicated that the ratios of oxygen 16 and oxygen 18 in ocean water were not consistent with those found in fresh water.
(E) It stretched back for only a million years.
4.    According to the passage, which of the following is true of the ratios of oxygen isotopes in ocean sediments?
(A) They indicate that sediments found during an ice age contain more calcium carbonate than sediments formed at other times.
(B) They are less reliable than the evidence from rocks on land in determining the volume of land ice.
(C) They can be used to deduce the relative volume of land ice that was present when the sediment was laid down.
(D) They are more unpredictable during an ice age than in other climatic conditions.
(E) They can be used to determine atmospheric conditions at various times in the past.
5.    It can be inferred from the passage that precipitation formed from evaporated ocean water has
(A) the same isotopic ratio as ocean water
(B) less oxygen 18 than does ocean water
(C) less oxygen 18 than has the ice contained in continental ice sheets
(D) a different isotopic composition than has precipitation formed from water on land
(E) more oxygen 16 than has precipitation formed from fresh water
6.    According to the passage, which of the following is (are) true of the ice ages?
I.    The last ice age occurred about 25,000 years ago.
II.    Ice ages have lasted about 10,000 years for at least the last several hundred thousand years.
III.    Ice ages have occurred about every 100,000 years for at least the last several hundred thousand years.
(A) I only
(B) II only
(C) III only
(D) I and only
(E) I, II and III
7.    It can be inferred from the passage that calcium carbonate shells
(A) are not as susceptible to deterioration as rocks
(B) are less common in sediments formed during an ice age
(C) are found only in areas that were once covered by land ice
(D) contain radioactive material that can be used to determine a sediment’s isotopic composition
(E) reflect the isotopic composition of the water at the time the shells were formed
8.    The purpose of the last paragraph of the passage is to
(A) offer a note of caution
(B) introduce new evidence
(C) present two recent discoveries
(D) summarize material in the preceding paragraphs
(E) offer two explanations for a phenomenon
9.    According to the passage, one advantage of studying the isotope record of ocean sediments is that it
(A) corresponds with the record of ice volume taken from rocks on land
(B) shows little variation in isotope ratios when samples are taken from different continental locations
(C) corresponds with predictions already made by climatologists and experts in other fields
(D) confirms the record of ice volume initially established by analyzing variations in volcanic emissions
(E) provides data that can be used to substantiate records concerning variations in the amount of sunlight received by the Earth



53. Milankovitch Cycles关于气候变化和orbit@

作者一开始就说 , 一个人M 在以前做了研究, 好像是用化石层的分布然后发表了理论.说ice age发生是有一定的时间规律..
第二段就说,但是呢,1950年人们用了新科技发现这个M是错的 (有考点). 用着甚么其他地方的化石还是甚么的. 但是呢作者接着说, 1970年人们又用了新科技证明M是对的!!!!! 最后说到虽然到现在M的许多理论都还没被证实 (有考点)

1.如果反驳orbit理论的那波人,他们的evidence 更accurate一些,会如何如何。看了看跟着JJ上对的答案选了,会比较小概率的去质疑M的理论,觉得挺靠谱。
考古 2.3.3
Milankovitch Cycles Theory
Milankovitch cycles theory is about the frequency of ice age. Milankovich proposed that the temperature of earth has something to do with the position of the earth in the orbit around sun. However it did not gain acceptance until 1968 when Dr. Imbrie presented additional evidence for M theory. He meassured the isotope level in small seashell deposit and the change of isotope abundancy corresponds with the temperature change.
However, later on, a geochemist tested the samples from Devil's Hole, a place in south Nevada and the results did not match with the previous results.
Even thought Dr. Imbrie still think M theory was valid, he conceded that many other factors contribute to the isotope level. It maybe why the results did not match.
1.先是陈述了 这个理论 然后说当时人们只能在实验条件不足的情况下 有些人研究了一下化石一类的,大体的承认这个理论
2.但是1950年出了个A.B 研究了一些东西,carbon rating之类的,说是理论错误了。(我觉得段时间内人们都不再接受M的理论了.随着科技的进步,应该是旧的改良结合很多其它新的technology, 出现了 证明了AB的 证据索取是比较片面的  M再次被人们接受。
问题:1. A..B. 对MilankovitchCycles Theory的看法
2. 主题题:
选的不同的方法对某一科学推断的研究和看法(没有一个选项提到了Milankovitch CyclesTheory,所以猜测某一科学推断指代Milankovitch Cycles Theory)。
3.Infer: 说如果第一段那些“当时人们”有accurate carbondating technologies 的时候,他们会怎样?
4. 不记得了MilankovitchCycles Theory的看法
米兰柯维奇(Milankovitch)天文气候学理论和第四纪地质时期以来冰期的研究进展.研究结果表明,地球上的冰体积具有近10万yr的变化周期,并伴有近4万yr和2万yr的变化周期,它们是由于地球的轨道根数变化导致的气候变迁所致;不同的地球物理资料中均存在上述类似的变化周期,表明气候变迁所导致的变化是全球性效应,证实米兰柯维奇天文理论是基本正确的。 这个像不像jj里讲的mm理论?    冰川变化 地球轨道


有xxxstorm, summer, in winter, soid 什么的


51. Sprawl (无序扩展)@
有好几个题貌似都问到了什么是有影响的,什么不是,不单纯是二三四段里的描述,感觉跟细致些。文章很长一屏多,定位很关键。 By glinia 640
A View Of Urban Sprawl From Outer Space Recent urban development in Los Angeles is less scattered than recent development in Boston. Miami is America's most compact big city and Pittsburgh is most sprawling. Changing the number or size of municipal governments in a metro area has no impact on whether or not urban development is scattered, but controlling access to groundwater does.
【控制地下水has impact on是否城市发展呈分散化】
  These are among the startling findings from a University of Toronto-based team of researchers who used satellite data and aerial photography to create a grid of 8.7 billion data cells tracking the evolution of land use in the continental United States.
          Matthew Turner and Diego Puga of the University of Toronto, Marcy Burchfield of the Neptis Foundation, a Toronto-based organization focused on urban and regional research, and Henry Overman of the London School of Economics present their findings in the May issue of The Quarterly Journal of Economics, in a paper entitled Causes of Sprawl: A Portrait(标本,模型) from Space. Heavily illustrated with Geographic Information System images, the paper challenges conventional wisdom about urban sprawl and presents a vivid and detailed picture of land consumption in America's cities.
          Though urban sprawl is widely regarded as an important environmental and social problem, according to the authors, much of the debate over sprawl is based on speculation. The data to conduct detailed and systematic measurement of how and where land is converted to urban use has, until now, simply not been available. Despite widespread interest in the topic, "we know next to nothing (差不多没有)about the extent to which development is scattered or compact, and how this varies across space," they write. 【新研究的局限:based on speculation】
          The authors merged high-altitude photos from 1976 with satellite images from 1992 (the most recent available) to create a grid of 8.7 billion 30-metre by 30-metre cells that tracks land use changes nationwide. "The data set we've constructed is unprecedented(空前的) in that we have coverage of the whole continental United States with a very high degree of accuracy for two time periods. That's never been done before," says Turner.【新研究的优势:覆盖面广,精确性accuracy】
          The new high-resolution data allow the authors to observe the amount of open space in the neighborhood of every house in every U.S. city. Since development is more scattered when there is more open space around a house, the authors measured urban sprawl by calculating the average amount of open space in the neighborhood of a house in each city.【measure urban sprawl 的具体方法】
          They found that more recent residential development is not any more(不再)
scattered than development was in 1976. Forty two per cent of land in the square kilometre surrounding the average residential development in 1976 was open space, compared with 43 per cent in 1992. "While a substantial amount of scattered residential development was built between 1976 and 1992, overall residential development did not become any more biased toward such sprawling areas."【结论一:scatter现象不再明显了】
          The authors are quick to point out that any one household would have seen much change in the study period, but that "if we zoom out and look at the city from a distance, we see little change, at least in terms of the proportions of sprawling and compact development: the new city is just like an enlarged version of the old city."【结论二:虽然household 的变化大,但实际city的sprawling并不明显。】
          Overall, Boston is less scattered than Atlanta, however recent development in Boston has been less compact than recent development in Atlanta. Miami, San Francisco and Los Angeles were the most compact major cities, while Pittsburgh and Atlanta were the most scattered.
          The authors also investigated why some cities are more sprawling than others. They found that a city's climate, topography and access to groundwater account for 25 per cent of the nationwide variation. When the climate is temperate, people spread out to have more space to enjoy the weather.【研究城市之间sprawling的不同:1,适度气候导致人们spread out】
          Hilly places see more scattered development as people avoid the costs of building on hillsides — but mountains act as a barrier and lead to more compact development. Places with easy access to groundwater see more scattered development, since people can supply remote houses with water by drilling inexpensive wells rather than paying for water lines. 【研究城市之间sprawling的不同:2,avoid cost of building on hill】
加亮部分有题:估计是推理题,问 mountain对scatter现象的作用有什么不同.这里把握住作者态度即可:hillside会导致scatter,mountain却反而 more compact. (因为山脉上没法建房子,人们只好集中在较为平坦的地方了,想想四川盆地。。而城市有hillside的就会往周边扩展,山上的房子造价太高~想想香港浅水湾山上豪宅那个贵,所以只能填海了。。)

          "The presence of aquifers(蓄水层) is particularly important," says Turner, "and that seems to me to have policy implications. It looks as if controlling access to groundwater is an important way to control whether development spreads or not."【照应文章第一段观点:控制地下水源决定了城市扩张程度】
          Roads, on the other hand, have no impact on the extent to which development is scattered, despite commonly held beliefs to the contrary. "We looked at a lot of measures of road density — miles of road per area, average distance to a road, distance to an interstate exit — and we could find no relation between those measures and the scatteredness of development," Turner says.
          The number of municipalities in a metropolitan area also does not affect development patterns. "You hear about fragmentation of jurisdictions being an important determinant of development patterns and we could find no evidence for that," says Turner. However, the team also found that development near cities is less scattered if it occurs in a municipality than if it occurs in an unincorporated area of a county. This suggests that people may be moving out to just beyond municipal boundaries in order to avoid more stringent municipal regulations.
【猜想1】:这里可以考municipalities影响cities to be not less scattered than unincorporated area的原因:avoid more stringent regulations.
【猜想2】:上面几个 红色短语可以考except题。
  One of the common complaints about urban sprawl is that as development spreads, municipal services such as roads, sewers, police and fire protection are more expensive. The authors suggest that this concern is well founded. Development in municipalities that receive larger subsidies from higher levels of government is, on average, more scattered. Says Puga, "This suggests that as local taxpayers are held accountable(=responsible) for infrastructure costs, they respond by insisting on patterns of development that require less infrastructure spending."
  "People have been eager to rush to policy prescriptions without a very good understanding of the underlying phenomena," says Turner. "We wanted to try to put the policy discussion on sounder footing."
86. duckfish  21号
1. 关于urban sprawl的(到现在还不知道是啥东东-,-),大体意思是说urban sprawl是一个社会问题也是个环境问题。有很多理论在争论引起
urban sprawl的原因到底是什么,一个小组勇敢的站了出来,开始收集相关的数据,以取得footing。他们首先发现climate是一个原因,in mild
climate, people tend to spread out. 还发现hill和mountain也是原因,hill是引起人们在hilly地方建造的成本,而mountain则是barrier,
帮助compact city(有道题目说hill和mountain起direct 作用,我觉得是错的);还有地下水也有帮助,easy access to groundwater may help. (有题)
他们发现也没有什么用,但是解释说可能是由于人们倾向于住在城市边缘正好外面的地方,这样可以不受约束;然后他们发现有些common wisdom还是  



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