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Kitchen magazine plans to license the use of its name by a line of cookware.
For a magazine, licensing the use of its name for products involves some danger, since if the products disappoint consumers, the magazine's reputation suffers, with consequent reductions in circulation and advertising.
However, experts have evaluated the cookware and found it superior to all other cookware advertised in Kitchen.
Therefore, Kitchen can collect its licensing fee without endangering its other revenues.

The argument above assumes which of the following?

A. No other line of cookware is superior to that which will carry the Kitchen name.

B. Kitchen will not license the use of its name for any products other than the line of cookware.

C. Makers of cookware will not find Kitchen a less attractive advertising vehicle because the magazine's name is associated with a competing product.

D. Consumers who are not regular readers of Kitchen magazine will be attracted to the cookware by the Kitchen name.

E. Kitchen is one of the most prestigious cooking-related magazines.


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现在想a是题目中已经告诉我们的条件了(experts have evaluated t ...
zm_patrickS 发表于 2010-11-30 20:34

题目中说的是all other cookware advertised in Kitchen,但A没有这个限制。故LS的理解不算太准确。

但题目更担心的是这个cookware是否会disappoint customers,从而导致reductions in circulation and advertising,最终endanger other revenues。
而evaluated the cookware and found it superior to all other cookware advertised in Kitchen只是用来证明前面的担心是多余的。



这题应该选C,我觉得这题的大致意思就是XX介绍厨房类产品的杂志,允许某一cookware厂商在自己产品使用该杂志的名号(类似ISO9001认证之类的),但是如果这个cookware质量不好的话,会损坏该杂志的信誉,进而影响到该杂志的发行收入和广告收入然后,该cookware被认为质量是高于其他同类产品的,所以arguer认为该杂志can collect its licensing fee without endangering its other revenues.
C说的是其它warecook的厂商不会因为该杂志帮那个warecook厂商认证了产品而觉得再在这个杂志上发广告会没有吸引力。有了这个假设就印证了原题中without endangering its other revenues这一点了,因此C正确。



现在想a是题目中已经告诉我们的条件了(experts have evaluated the cookware and found it superior to all other cookware advertised in Kitchen),所以不能用来作为假定了。



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