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MIT MBA Round 1 / Off-campus (SF) / Adcom (Published January 20th, 2010)

The admissions committee member was very warm and friendly and really didn't press me too hard on the questions. For various reasons, hadn't really had any time to prepare in advance so I was pretty much walking in cold. I am also not the type of person who performs well on the fly. She started off explaining the application process and timing and then the interview format. Here are the questions she asked:

do you have your transcript?
how do you have time for all the things that you do (referencing my resume); basically a question on my extracurriculars
tell me about your job, have your responsibilities changed since your promotion
tell me about a time you had a challenging interaction with someone
tell me about a time you had to convince others to see your perspective
tell me about a time you had to ask for help
tell me about a time when your expectations were not met
how did you decided to apply to Sloan?
is there anything you wish I had asked?
any questions for me?
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