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MIT Sloan MS in Management 校友分享

Hi all,
We are current Chinese students from MIT Sloan's MS in Management Studies (MSMS) program. It is a brand new program, only in its second year. It's different from traditional MBA programs, but it can be the best fit for you depending on your specific background and goals. We are ready to take any questions here, and our program administrators have kindly offered to help if there are questions that we can't answer.

Program Overview (from program website)
The new Master of Science in Management Studies (MSMS) program at MIT Sloan offers the opportunity for talented students from around the world to enhance their expertise in a chosen concentration within management studies. This rigorous program accepts top MBA or equivalent degree students from non-U.S. business schools to study a specific field in depth while working alongside world-renowned MIT Sloan faculty. The end result is a Master of Science degree from MIT Sloan in just two semesters.
Participants in this program will take classes and write a thesis in their chosen concentration subject. Participants enroll in regular MIT Sloan elective classes and can take classes in other MIT departments or at Harvard University. Upon graduation, participants will join the ranks of MIT alumni and be able to tap into its rich and resourceful international network.

Program Highlights
- It's shorter. It is only 9-month long and therefore can be very attractive for people who have already done a master's degree from a non-US business school or an MBA and feel reluctant to spend another two years in school.
- It's highly flexible. You can choose to take almost any Sloan MBA elective you want as well as almost any course offered by MIT and Harvard. You can make it whatever program you want.
- You have the opportunity to concentrate on a certain area by taking relevant courses and writing a thesis on that subject. It's completely up to you as to the concentration and the thesis subject.
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To magickame,





Update: 刚向Admin Check了一下,今年的平均GMAT是706(MIT Sloan MBA是700)


Flexibility就是写篇论文毕业 像你讲的课都是MBA的选修课 但是最后却是另外个学位 与正规MBA program还是不一样
至于是不是赚外快项目看看tuition就知道了 54000不算贵? Scholarship请问你拿了多少 ratio给出来就知道了

GMAT scores
Mean GMAT  673

U.S. citizens  13%

Country of Citizenship
France  18.8%
Hong Kong  6.3%
India  6.3%
P.R. China  12.5%
Russia  6.3%
South Korea


看看class profile是不是赚外快项目就不需要我来解释了 当然对类似你这样想圆梦的还是个不错的program 时间短牌子响
回国估计懂行的人还是不多的 跟harvard的EMBA program很相似



这项目的初衷是为partner school的学生提供一个深造的机会,加强与partner school的关系,但发展到第二年后,招生范围有所扩大,今年6个大中华区的学生有2个不是partner school的。

读这个项目有什么意义呢?我个人认为,如果你已经有了一个国外的Top MBA,那这个项目就没有任何意义,所以项目也明确不招收在美国读过MBA的人。但如果你的MBA或Master是在国内读的,你还想再出国读一下(不管是深造也好,镀金也好,圆梦也好),那么这个项目就比较有吸引力了。像我就是这样,国内读了金融学硕士后工作了几年,但总想出去看一看,又不想再读两年了,就选择了这个项目。

说是MIT挣外快的项目,抱歉我不太同意。这项目一共就招20个人,也挣不了多少钱,MIT其实也不缺这点钱。何况这项目有时还会给一些奖学金,像我就有幸拿了一些。它是MIT正式的degree program,享受与Sloan MBA及其他硕士项目完全一样的待遇,不是交流项目。

另外,这项目虽然叫Management Studies,但跟传统意义上的偏学术型的管理学硕士完全不一样,我们选的课都是MBA的选修课,只是需要写一篇论文。当然你想把它变成学术性的项目也可以,你就多选一些偏学术的课程。总而言之,完全的灵活性是这个项目最大的特点。


Student Body
- Very diversified student body. This year the 20 MSMS students are of 14 nationalities.
-  Six Chinese Mandarin speakers, of which four have foreign passports and applied as international MBA students at Tsinghua (Sloan partner school), one applied from an Australian university (not a partner school of Sloan), and the other come directly from work (did a master degree from a non-partner school of Sloan in China years ago)
- Most people have work experience, while some don't

- Students have the same access to Career Services as MBA students, and this year the class even has a dedicated career advisor
- Last year some people stayed in US while some go back to where they come from
- Of the two Chinese passport holders from last year, one stayed in US for consulting, and the other came back to Shanghai for consulting

- The requirements are a little different from those of a typical MBA program. Please check last year's requirement carefully at http://mitsloan.mit.edu/academic/msms/checklist.php, and remember to check for updates for this year's application
- For people with a non-MBA master degree from a business school, it's sometimes more difficult to determine the eligibility. Feel free to ask the program administers at http://mitsloan.mit.edu/academic/msms/questions.php, they are extremely helpful.

Please let us know if you have any question regarding the program
MIT Sloan MSMS 2011 Chinese students



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