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6                panovation;   nfdsm;yd72win;     lixian; eilleenliu; bemyself2010         "V1 Employers should have the right to keep the employees from engage in 坏习惯, both in workforce or in personal lives.

V2 Employers have the rights to prohibit the unhealthy behaviors of employees, both in the workplace and their personal lives"                9.16         9.16         9.18         9.18         9.21         9.21
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1        34        jessexun        All citizens should be required to perform a specified amount of public service. Such service would benefit not only the country as a whole but also the individual participants                9.21        
1                桑子夏        只有那些能够展示自己做事情能力的人才能真正被大众接受为leader.                9.24        
1                wsss         Many people complain that we depend too much on computers, however, computers are continually improving our lives.                9.24        
1                jennischou         Due to the changes in technologies and the demands in service industry, employee should take the responsibility of adjusting to the changes. 企業跟政府不需負責                9.25
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


2                lcfgtxy;leanncx        V1.people are likely to accept as a leader only someone who has demonstrated an ability to perform the asme tasks that he or she expects others to perform                                                                             V2.A leader will be accepted only when he demonstrate an ability to perform the tasks that he or she askes others to do.                 9.19         9.20        
3        23        greenGMATerS; squirnail;     乱世佳人        Schools should be responsible only for teaching academic skills and not for teaching ethical and social values                9.20         9.21         9.25
3                GMAT798;raingirl ;wonderfulwq        V1.环境保护的主要责任是个人还是政府     V2.Responsibility for preserving the natural environment ultimately belongs to each individual person, not to government.”                 9.20         9.20         9.20
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1        类似20        bbeos        Many people complain that we depend too much on computers, however, computers are continually improving our lives.                9.19
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


4        36        estellesha; limoster; fly12404; fenglikang        V1.Businesses and other organizations have overemphasized the importance of working as a team. Clearly, in any human group, it is the strong individual, the person with the most commitment and energy, who gets things done.                                                                  V2.Nowdays,business and other organizations have overemphasized the importance of working as a team.However,it is the strong individual,a person with commitment and energy that gets things done. Discuss to what extent you agree with such perspective.                9.19         9.19         9.16         9.25

  1 advantage: make students better prepared for the future competition, etc
2 disadvantages: very pressure and stressful
3 a refined educational system is preferred
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


2        100        huchen125;    zf13646348        If a nation is to ensure its own economic success, it must maintain a highly competitive educational system in which students compete among themselves and against students from other countries.        SHEET4        9.18         9.19
AI 狗34               
by 阿尔法柔笼               
1. quality of life不仅只是物质上的还有精神上的                
 2. 科技发达了,resources更合理利用了                
3. 每个人寿命延长不等于整体人口就多了               
by deodar
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3        B2        蒋特曼;       honeydd;   spz316        "V1.人活得越长,就给资源造成更大负担,从而降低其他人的生活质量                                                                              V2.Althoughmost people wish to live long lives, attempting to significantly extend theaverage human life span would be a mistake. If achieved, this would place anenormous burden on resources, lowering the quality of life for everyone.                                                                                             V3.应该停止延长人们平均寿命的项目,只会增加社会负担。
"        SHEET4        9.17         9.18         9.19
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


4        9        osyu;anita317; bigjujube; kyo        Employees should keep their private lives and personal activities as separate as possible from the workplace.”                9.17         9.18         9.21         9.25
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


4                yysbinzhou;    justsoxxg; Kay001 ;syflysun        At the fast-paced world, employers can benefit more from energy and new ideas of younger workers than experience and wisdom of older workers.                9.17                 9.21         9.25

1.       人们不会尊重一个不能完成他要求别人完成的任务自己却不能完成的领导。这是人之常情,人们通常都只会欣赏和尊敬比自己优秀的人,而不喜欢被一个不能完成任务却命令自己去做的人心存敬意。例如克林顿总统当commander-in-chief 的时候,由于众所周知他曾经逃避兵役,很自然的下级军官和士兵都不是很尊重他。
2.       人们不信任一个自己完不成任务却要求别人去完成的人。仍然举克林顿总统的例子。由于他逃兵役被视为没有能力,下级都对他的决策心存怀疑,这也就潜在的导致了执行上的不尽心不尽力。
3.       诚然是否能完成自己交给别人的任务并不是衡量一个leader重要指标。可能领导能力、,组织能力、运筹能力更为重要,但是我们不能忽视人们心理上的看法,尽管它可能并不合理但它确实是存在的。

1.       诚然,如果在其领导的领域内几乎一窍不通,一个领导很难得到下属的信任和支持,会被看作layperson. 比如,人们无法想象一个不具备任何电脑知识的人,该如何领导一个庞大的IT企业,比如MICROSOFT在激烈的市场中竞争。
2.       但是,这是否意味着作为领导,必须要有能力完成每一项他要求下属做的事呢?这个问题,与领导和员工的真正作用有很大关系!首先,领导的职责是制定长期的发展方针,并且保证这个方针的贯彻执行,adhere to their strategic plans不被偏离。组织员工共同合作完成任务。on the other hand, 员工的作用是各司其职,更加具体的specific task.
3.       从以上两种职责不难看出,领导与员工起到significantly different functions,让领导完成每一个subordinate要做的工作,unfair的。比如,不能blame a CEO for lacking the skills of typing。要对下属做的事有很好的了解,但不一定都要做。否则,领导就失去了意义,成为了一个全能的工人。omnipotent worker with all kinds of skills.

View1: It is human nature to admire then follow someone who is more competent than themselves.
View2: But a feature of a good leader is to organize people with different specialities together and let them perform as a whole. It is too ideal to expect the leaders to have all the specialities of his subordinates.
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1        33        athenelynn        People are likely to accept as a leader only someone who has demonstrated an ability to perform the same tasks that he or she expects others to perform        SHEET3        9.17
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