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Cambridge Judge MBA Interview 2009-2010年

本帖最后由 myice 于 2010-9-16 21:38 编辑

7.5yr 工作经验, 其中4yr 台湾元大证券Derivative sales/trading, 3yr Hedge fund sales (based inTW);主要国际经验为大学Aiesec社团及0.5 yr 在印度渣打(AIESEC traineeship)


Dr. Jochen Runde, whois a lecturer in Economics and also the Director of the MBA Programme. http://www.jbs.cam.ac.uk/research/faculty/rundej.html


Dr. Runde很熟我的数据,只针对他有兴趣的问题提问,而且一定要我直接回答到他的问题! (等下举例),然后不太有机会让我技巧性的带出一些essay中未提的经验和专长, 跟Alumni面试的非正式路线真是差很多.


Career progress的问题: 主要是顺着时间轴追问每一步的决定原因和动机, 都是why why why, 并会继续probe questions.
Why跟巴西朋友在台湾开公司后去印度的渣打银行? (中间问我这家公司还存续吗? 问我知道要去印度吗?)
怎么认识巴西朋友? 台湾有很多巴西人吗? 为什么想去印度, 要我多讲一下印度 (中间他会打断说他有看过我essay了, 所以我猜他不太希望我提供重复的信息), 我讲到文化方面像是 Arranged marriage让我很震撼, 他追问: 我还是会选择自己决定婚姻吗? 我又讲了一下文化差异对我的影响.
为什么回台湾加入证券商Derivative? 为什么会加入HF?
我是因为工作去欧洲吗? 我有去过UK吗?
Why Cambridge
我想先从career goal谈起, 讲了一些精美台词后被打断, 又问我一次为什么Cambridge, 为什么不是LBS?  我回答因为终究要回亚洲, Cambridge比较能给我credibility去吸引partner和investor, 他超开心的.  

个人意见: 主要是针对我的产业提问, 不过事实上跟我做的产品相差很远…lol
他自己讲了一堆金融危机的事 (我已经觉得我听印度英文没问题, 但我实实在在听不懂他南非口音), 大概有三个问题都是讲了一长串后, 我又重复并确认他的问题, 但他之后的解释我也听不懂! 他讲的是那种全部连在一起又没抑扬顿挫的英文...很痛苦! 就是鸦子听雷! 碰到这种状况, 大家就努力抓关键词啰~
他一直追问我对这些的看法, 我的贯用技巧是带入哪国持什么态度, 或哪个经济学家讲了什么, 以表示内容丰富, 但他都把我打断要我直接回到问题,"How do you think" (汗)
不过...我乱掰的内容竟然还蛮得他的意, 他说很同意我的看法lol.
约略是HF现在在全球造成很多问题, 最后问我对于HF产业和金融业拿很多Bonus的意见
(又一长串问题)讲很多人因为CDO交易而损失财产…, 大概是问我对于金融监管的意见
CDO应该Legal吗? 我说应该是legal他打断又问, 应该legal吗?
又一长串,大概是问我对cdo和金融业整体的风险看法. (忘了我讲了什么然后他就说他很同意lol 可见得重点是你能表达意见!)
My Questions:

我对剑桥最有兴趣的是你们的创业相关资源, 我知道你们有创新的计划像是XXX, 和OOO, 可以多告诉我一些你们如何透过ZZZ来真正帮忙学生创业吗?
请分享一下您对于Cambridge MBA的Vision,下一步策略是什么?
相信您已经看过非常多的MBA学生(他回答是的, 非常多), 对于我的career goal您觉得我在MBA/Post MBA将会碰到什么挑战? 您有什么建议吗?
我知道您来Cambridge之前是在南非认教, 可以分享一下为什么要来英国, why Cambridge? (教授笑了一下, 我想这种personal的学思经历类型的问题教授们会很爱)

教授应该很忙,时间大概只有30分钟, 讲话有点匆忙, 我讲得也很快, 我会想要技巧性的穿插个人经验来回答, 但多半被打断要求直接回答问题核心. 所以不太有需要铺陈和赘述
时间真的很短,教授好像有只对他的问题有兴趣, 其实不太有机会带到essay以外的故事. 教授算是偏严肃但我尽量轻松活泼, 教授多半喜欢活泼有活力的学生, 后来老人家感觉也蛮开心的, 说通常不会在面试时讲feedback, 但他确定会给我推荐!
Dr. Runde给我的feedback中有两点是大家可以准备的: 他认为我能清楚且自信的express myself, 让他印象深刻 (我无意炫耀, 只是想呈现他们看重的特质); 且他回答我问题时, 讲到亚洲学生的挑战是都半习惯只跟自己社群在一起, (但他说我国际经济很多, 应该不会有这问题)->我想大家可以在面试中找机会强调你这些经验和特质啰, just an idea!大家加油啰
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Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.

Shanghai, Beijing, Hong Kong - Cambridge Judge MBA Information Sessions
Meeting Cambridge MBA staff and alumni is a great way to discover if Judge Business School is the right place for you.

Conrad Chua, Head of MBA Recruitment and Admissions of Judge Business School, University of Cambridge and a number of Cambridge Judge MBA alumni will join the event. It's a great opportunity to gain first hand insight about the school, the MBA experience, and the application.

Agenda include admission presentation, alumni experience sharing, and Q&A.

Shanghai(11/4) - Cambridge Judge MBA Information Session

Date: Nov 4, 2009 (Wednesday)
Time: Begins at 19:00
Venue: Sent by invitation
Online Registration: http://www.jbs.cam.ac.uk/mba/meetus/form_event.html

Beijing(11/6) - Cambridge Judge MBA Information Session

Date: Nov 6, 2009 (Friday)
Time: Begins at 19:00
Venue: Sent by invitation
Online Registration: http://www.jbs.cam.ac.uk/mba/meetus/form_event.html

Hong Kong(11/9) - Cambridge Judge MBA Information Session

Date: Nov 9, 2009 (Monday)
Time: Begins at 19:00
Venue: Sent by invitation
Online Registration: http://www.jbs.cam.ac.uk/mba/meetus/form_event.html
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


--  作者:newrhyme
--  发布时间:2004-3-4 0:50:00

--  这次Cambridge面试的同学
多少xdjm是这次Cambridge March来要面试的?(听说很多,不知道是不是真的呀)

--  作者:yanjuji
--  发布时间:2004-3-4 0:53:00


--  作者:newrhyme
--  发布时间:2004-3-4 1:40:00


--  作者:johnsonwxj
--  发布时间:2004-3-4 13:02:00

so much! It is said that cambridge will increase their chinese students this year.

--  作者:newrhyme
--  发布时间:2004-3-5 1:04:00

--  这次Cambridge面试的同学
to johnsonwxj, it could be true. What\'s the number of chinese students at cambridge last year?  
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


Cambridge Judge - Interview Experience
Just finished the telephone interview with Simon. He is really professional and did go through my application form and essays in details, before the interview started.

It's a 30 mins intensive interview, he looked like a machine asking me lot of questions:

Academic and career

- how did you choose your major? What did u expect to do when you were in high school?
- Why low GPA, what would u do retrospect?
- Why did you join your previous company? What did you change to current employer?
- why MBA, why now? why Cambridge? Why should I choose you?
- future plan? how will u sell yourself to recruiters?

Global environments

- how will u describe how about Hong Kong, Singapore & Taiwan? Why?
- what will be the challenge from Beijing/Shanghai on Hong Kong?
- how do u see HKG in the future? what is its advantages?
- What is difference between US culture and European culture?

Q & A

- Is it good to work in Cam?
- No students from HKG in class 2006? is it true?
- Is Cam good for students with partners and kids?

Simon promised to give me the decision between X'mas holiday.

Good luck to me!
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


Cambridge Judge MBA 电话面经
剛跟Dr. Eden Yin 完成電話面試,趕快跟大家分享一下面試內容。雖然已經是最後一輪了,不過應該還是可以嘉惠日後要申請的同胞吧。

第一題就是 Why now.   (愣了一下, 都還沒介紹長短期計畫呢)
why MBA
why Cambridge
Why start up? and what did you learn from it? What are the key characteristics of a sucessful entrepreneurer? (我講了passion, goal-oriented等他還是不滿意, 要我講出成功創業家跟成功經理人不同之處) Why you failed?  If you are holding a lecture about your start up expereince, what would you share? What is the key factor of a sucess start up?
From your IB experience, what are the challenges that IB in Taiwan facing? Tell be about IB business in China. If you were the CEO of an investment bank, what 3 things you are going to do first?
You have good GMAT score, but what's wrong with your TOEFL?
Any other question?
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


Cambridge剑桥(Judge) MBA面经
背景:G:750, 5 W/E @ GE, project manager

是faculty member飞过来面试,在北京。





To 东邪:我也被问到了这些问题,哈哈。面试官人很好,不过问题也比较challenging。我还被问到了一个闹钟的问题。说是两个闹钟各自有50%和60%的可能性会闹响,问把两个闹钟同时放在你的房间里,你第二天早晨被闹响的几率多大
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.



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