AA:The following appeared as part of a plan proposed by an executive of the Easy Credit Company to the president.
“The Easy Credit Company would gain an advantage over competing credit card services if we were to donate a portion of the proceeds from the use of our cards to a well-known environmental organization in exchange for the use of its symbol or logo on our card. Since a recent poll shows that a large percentage of the public is concerned about environmental issues, this policy would attract new customers, increase use among existing customers, and enable us to charge interest rates that are higher than the lowest ones available.
AI:Public figures should avoid expressing opinions that they have not experienced or that they have not really affected by. (大体是这样)(公众人物不要乱说一些自己也没经历过的事情)
写完作文出去休息了一下,就接着回来做数学,虽然考试前自己准备的也不是很好,狗狗什么的也没看全,只看了两百多题后面实在是没有时间看了,做数学的时候发现一个眼熟的题目就没有,当时也没想到是换题库了就硬着头皮做了。 |