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a)别的药也有复作用(old jj)
b)大概是吃该药的人大多不会有复作用反映(I choose)

在欧洲某段时间盛行变形画,即人的形象(figure)被 延长(elongated)。一个画家的画以这种特点而著称。但有人说这位画家其实是患了某种病,使他看人都是延长的,所以他的画出现前面的特点。但这种解释其实是说不通的。应是他把看到延长的形象画在布上,应该又还原的本来的尺寸。

戏院原来用一种油做PORN CROP,后来改用另一种,但是现在要改回来,因为新的油损害了PORN CROP的销量,某批评家说不对,用新的油porn crop的销量上升了5%,support
选项有 1)其他食品销量提高不到5% 2)看戏的人多了20% 3)PORN CROP的收入比TICKET的收入高 4)换用新油前的一年增长10% 我选了1)

16、本周版本一:注射感冒疫苗的办法已经available, 但因很疼痛,只在成人推广。现在有聊 nasal spray疫苗,可以免除疼痛,但没有在孩子中推广的必要,因为孩子不得重感冒。
For assumption based I choose: 成人不会从孩子身上感染重感冒。

BF: an insurer got a bad business result for a auto policy because so many thefts. The insurer have no way to deal with the theft, so ( decide to give discount to the auto owner whose car equipped with anti-theft device) Therefor, many auto go to buy anti-theft device. (because anti-theft device is useful for ) so the insurer will get a good business.
A.The former is a position the author wants to defend and the later is an evidence to support the position.
B.The former is a position the author wants to challenge and the later is its ev idence to oppose to it

34、early 1500 BC, many treaties has consider this work to A peoson. a new finding said that many treaties in late 1500BC also said the work to A.
However the new finding cann't give strong support to the conclusion that the work is of A's, since: (complete the sentence)
the follong answer have three one remind the treaties in early 1500 BC, my answer is " the treaties in late 1500 BC have remind a lot of thing that not said( or not accord) in the treaties in early 1500
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\"Our lives are a combination of good and bad, positive and negative.When we focus on the good that is already present, we feel better. If not, we don\'t. Either way, life goes on.\" -- Peter McWilliams



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