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OSU Fisher MBA 面试汇总(2009-2010)



David很nice,还喜欢称呼自己“大叔”,中文哦;问题基本都是常规问题,leadership, teamwork, international exposure, career switch, career goal, why MBA, why fisher..



I had my all-day interview on Monday. Alison Merzel interview
me for around 40 min (went long probably coz' my answers were kinda
detailed...had a lot to say!!).

Questions that I recall are as follows:

1.) Talk about a
person(s) in your life that has been instrumental in gettin you to where you are
today..and how?

2.) Why do you wanna get an MBA?

3.) How does
Fisher help you in reaching those goals you talked about?

4.) Talk about
a person in your life that you look up to...(for leadership roles,

5.) A person in the business arena that you consider a role

6.) Tell me something that's passionate to you on a personal

7.) What are your opinions on outsourcing in general?

Talk about a corporate policy that you think could be changed

9.) Talk
about some problems you have faced while leading a team

10.) How would
you manage a team...what do you think is needed to manage a team

Well, that's all I can remember for now...I believe I
answered all questions to my satisfaction except No. 4...

I also met with
a career services representative, went to a class, had lunch with student
ambassadors, toured the school and the Fisher Commons housing facility, and had
a final "informational interview" (kinda informal) with David Smith, the
Director of Admissions.

The day started at 8.45 am and ended 3.45

Good luck to all!

电话面还是很不同,之前面砸了一家,有点害怕;个人经验是一定要找有免提和mute功能的电话;第一次就是为了找方便,就用家里电话了,结果拿着话筒面了45分钟,很痛苦;这次特意找了一部思科的专门做conference call的电话,效果比较好;当然录取也可能跟其他的原因有关,总之还是要注意每个细节。

很感谢fisher,在Christmas当天发出admission letter,真是敬业!
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hi sixmonths, 我的面试分成两个,一个adcom,一个student。都是电话面试的。问的都是些general的问题,whyMBA,why now,whyFisher,还有些不太记得了,但不难回答。adcom的面试气氛很融洽,很像闲聊。student面试就不太好应付,连珠炮一样得追问,而且气氛比较僵硬。

Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.



刚刚完成FISHER的面试,是一个一年纪的MBA学生打来的。问题比较多,但都是常遇到的,请各位注意准备一下对ETHICAL DILEMMA 的回答。面试的学生还比较友好,说的比较慢,因为我告诉他有话音延迟(实际会效果还不错),上来先和我说了一下共同的体育爱好,他从我essay中得知我体育某个方面有强项。面试共持续了45分钟,聊了不少东西,只是不知道结果如何。唉,等着吧。好坏也都结束了。
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.



3/你遇到了什么ethnical dilama,你是怎么应对的?学到了什么?


还好,我写过一片是关于道德问题的,所以就此题答得还不错,最后那个刚刚开始笑呵呵得葛葛都不作声了.....我以为牺牲,谁知道昨天晚上竟然congratulation on my admission.还瞒开心.不过,觉得自己申请得有点低了,应该多申请几个TOP10得学校.看看西北大学如何?呵呵,人心不足蛇吞象!

Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


[分享] Sharing Fisher interview experience

You must be wondering why I did the interviews so late? Actually I dun know either. I just gave it five dates and it picked two time on the same day~That's all~~

The questions are mentioned below:


1.why mba
2.why fisher
3.career goal
4.teamwork experience
5.leadership experience
6.strength & weakness


1.why now
2.why fisher
3.career goal
6.work progression
7.activities outside of work

The interviews lasted for half an hour, and I asked them some questions too.

Good luck to all the applicants !!!!   
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.




1 career goal and why

2.why Fisher

3. tell me your experience of leading a team

4 what challenges you have met working in team environment

5 how do you solve the conlicts in teams

6 your strengths and weakness

7 what industry interests you most and why

8 what do you think are the most important skills for an MBA candidate

9 how would contribute to the diversity of our program

10  how do you balance your work and life

11 why fisher, not other schools,  again

12 any questions you have?
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


Thank you guys. I think I performed well. And it was meaningful for me to take Harvard interview at the begining of Chinese New Year.

Another detail: I finished my interview at 12:30pm. When I had my lunch, I thought about the interview and felt that I lost one important point. After lunch, I went back to the interview area and found my interviewer was interviewing anohter guy. I waited for a while and kept thinking. Then I made the final decision. When he was there alone, I went inside and added my point to him.(of course very briefly, around 1 minute. I speak fast.) He didn't mind at all and smiled, saying: you've made it very clear and we understand. I knew my action was risky and maybe the interviewer would be annoyed. However, I went to campus to communicate,rather thank interview for 30 minutes only. I didn't want to have any regret. It seems I am lucky and I feel no regret, no matter what result at last.

To yaoyao: I also wish to be your classmate this fall. Thank you.
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


I also took a telephone interview with Ohio Fisher on Feb.19.

Before that the Director of Admissions Office called me and told me that they decided to give me preliminary admission and invited me to attend an alumni dinner party. I found that I was the only applicant in that party. I can feel that they want me to join. Because of this, I didn’t feel nervous about the telephone interview at all. The interview asked me regular questions such as:

why MBA
why Fisher
my leadership experiences
I just said what I wrote in my essays. He also asked:

why I choose to apply for Fisher since I also applied for Emory? What did I think was the difference between Fisher and Emory?
This was the only question I didn’t expect and I just briefly said several “selling points” of Fisher. He seemed to be satisfied with the interview and asked me to join Fisher again at the end of interview.
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


我也刚面的,问题类似,问了好几个role models,  第3天拿到了admission, 可是象鸡肋, 90%是不会去了, 虽然这是今年唯一的收获.

有人对ohio fisher很熟吗, 有在里面读的MBA 学生吗? 希望能咨询一下学校的具体情况
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.



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