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2009年 Duke Business School MBA录取学生信息统计

The Duke MBA - Daytime

The Fuqua School of Business

1 Towerview Drive
Box 90120
Durham , North Carolina 27708-0120 United States   

Program Web site:

Private Institution

Program e-mail address:

Graduate business school is accredited by:

AACSB International


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Duke has a very strong career center and very strong teaching professors. The quality of students admitted needs to be improved. Duke is a hidden gem for those interested in studying finance. The school gets many accolades for its Marketing and Consulting tracks, but Duke has a world class Finance faculty and excellent Finance classes and teaching. -- Investment Banking

I have been impressed by the immediate reaction of Duke to the needs and concerns of the students. I have been able to implement new programs and coursework during my two years of attendance. -- Venture Capital/Private Equity

I have been continually impressed by the intelligence, leadership, and resilience of my fellow students. During a very difficult time when the scandal broke, there was a defining moment when we either decided to stand together behind the decision, or break apart. -- Marketing


Not only did Duke exceed my expectations in academics, the people I met, the leadership skills I obtained, and the just new ways of thinking I now have - there is no reason someone should not chose Duke. Someone commented to me after a year at Duke MBA, I have changed, for the better. -- Consulting

My MBA program was excellent. I not only received an a strong education but I also had the opportunity to learn from and befriend some of the most intelligent people that I ever met. Diversity is a stable in Duke's MBA program and I can't help but believe it gives it a strong advantage. -- Marketing

Duke was absolutely the right choice for me. It enabled me to learn the tools necessary to make a drastic career change from education to brand management while meeting some of the most brilliant people I'll ever know. The professors are truly committed to delivering an effective and challenging learning experience. -- Marketing


I would definitely recommend the program, primarily due to the way these last two years have affected my life both professionally and personally. It has been easily the single best decision I have made in my life. -- Consulting

Teachers were very passionate, and team-oriented study culture was worthy. Most of all, my brilliant collegue was the greatest asset for me. -- Marketing

I had a great experience at Duke. I believe most people would benefit from an MBA, and an MBA from Duke supports most career paths. -- Marketing

I feel that I received an extremely well-rounded educational experience at Duke. -- Marketing


Excellent relationships with recruiting companies, outstanding health sector management program, renowned faculty. -- Consulting

Fuqua is an extremely collaborative and challenging environment. When I reflect on all of the skills I acquired during such a short time along with my personal growth, I would highly advocate business school for anyone who plans to further their career in business. -- Marketing

Duke (Fuqua) has a unique culture that may not be liked by everyone. Therefore, my recommendation to attend the program would be based on the colleague's personality to ensure the right fit between program and person. If someone has that personality, then I would definitely recommend Duke. -- Marketing

I like the atmosphere and living environment of Duke University very much. The smart people and faculty also greatly help me in learning the stuffs I really interested. I helped couple of my past colleagues apply and enroll in the class of 2010 already. -- Marketing


If you have a family then I would definitely recommend Fuqua as the right school. There is a strong partner network and relatively low cost of living. -- Finance

I had such a great time at Duke. It was the best two years of my life. I would recommend it to my peers as a transformational experience, from wherever they are, to becoming a business professional. But I do realize it is not for everyone. That supportive atmosphere may not be what everyone is looking for. -- Marketing

I think that the Duke MBA provides the perfect mix between quantitative theroy and qualitative practice. The students, although highly competitive, do not hide information; rather, they are very helpful. Same goes for the professors. -- Investment Banking

I had a great experience and have developed tremendously as an individual. I would definitely want my friends to go through a similar experience. -- Investment Banking


I have referred several of my friend's to my MBA program. The collaborative and supportive culture created a challenging learning environment balanced with flexibility to explore my skills and develop as a leader. Duke's program is small yet diverse enough that many great lessons came from conversations with my peers in and outside of classrooms. -- Marketing

I came to business school to build a network, learn some key skills and obtain a position in general management after school. I loved the experience, met some amazing people and got to really grow through the program. I could not have chosen a better program for myself. I loved the culture at Duke. -- Finance

Fuqua has a great culture and we are a very tight knit community. There are several opportunities to be involved and have leadership positions. I grew both professionally and personally from my experience at Fuqua. -- Marketing


Graduating students who accepted jobs in the following functional areas:

Consulting: 30  %
Finance/Accounting: 22  %
General Management: 22  %
Marketing/Sales: 21  %
Operations/Logistics: 2  %
Other: 3  %

Graduating students who accepted jobs in the following industries:

Government: 1  %
Consulting: 29  %
Consumer Products: 3  %
Financial Services: 19  %
Manufacturing: 23  %
Media/Entertainment: 1  %
Non-Profit: 1  %
Petroleum/Energy: 3  %
Pharmaceutical/Biotechnology/Health Care: 10  %
Technology: 2  %
Other: 8  %

Graduates who accepted full-time jobs in the following regions:

Africa: 0  %
Asia: 14  %
Latin America and the Caribbean: 2  %
North America: 83  %
Western Europe: 1  %

Within North America, graduates who accepted full-time jobs in the following regions:

Northeast: 25  %
Mid-Atlantic: 8  %
South: 15  %
Southwest: 10  %
Midwest: 10  %
West: 9  %

Top recruiting organizations for internships, most recent academic year:

Johnson & Johnson   22
American Express   8
Bank of America   7
Deloitte Consulting   7
McKinsey & Company   6
IBM Corportate   6
Eli Lilly & Company   6
JPMorgan   6
Kraft Foods   5
Proctor & Gamble   5
Education Pioneers   5
Genentech   5
Citi   5
Bain & Company   4
Credit Suisse   4

Weekly internship compensation:

        Mean: N/A
        Median: N/A

Average internship length in weeks:

School Comments:


Graduates seeking full-time professional MBA employment: 90  %
Graduates not seeking employment: 7  %
Graduates for whom you have no information regarding employment: 3  %

Annual job-searching trips that the school coordinates or participates in:

Primary source of job offer:

School-facilitated activities: 71  %
Graduate-facilitated activities: 28  %
No information provided by graduate: 1  %

Job Offers for 2009 graduates:

Received first job offer by graduation: 72  %
Received first job offer in three months following graduation: 6  %
Received first job offer more than 3 months after graduation: 5  %
Did not report having received a job offer: 17  %
Accepted first job offer by graduation: 68  %
Accepted first job offer in three months following graduation: 8  %
Accepted first job offer more than 3 months after graduation: 5  %
Did not report having accepted a job offer: 19  %

Top recruiting organizations most recent academic year:

Deloitte Consulting   17
Boston Consulting Group   11
Dell   11
Johnson & Johnson   11
Pricewaterhousecooper, LLC   9
Bain & Company   6
Bank of America   5
Accenture   5
LEK Consulting   5
Apple, Inc.   5
Schlumberger Business Consulting   5
Sears Holding Company   5
Eli Lilly Company   5
Citi   5
Merrill Lynch   5

Job-accepting graduates who received a signing bonus:
62  %

Base salary, signing bonuses and other compensation for most recent employed graduates:

Mean base salary: $  102,331
Median base salary: $  100,000
Mean signing bonus: $  22,705
Median signing bonus: $  20,000
Mean other guaranteed compensation: $  22,606
Median other guaranteed compensation: $  20,000


Living MBA alumni:

Active MBA alumni clubs:

Countries in which MBA clubs exist:

Living MBA alumni who gave in past year:
19  %

Mean gift from MBA alumni:
$  1,201

Median gift from MBA alumni:
$  200

  Did school receive an individual gift in excess of $10 million in the past academic year?

Business school endowment
$  174,315,810

  Does the main university offer career placement services for alumni?

  Does the main university have an alumni networking Web site?

University alumni networking site:

  Does the B-School have an alumni networking Web site?

Business school alumni networking site:

  Do current MBA students have access to an alumni database?



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