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[转帖]2.28 北美

2.28 北美 AA:I don't know what the number is. Basically it says that the regular ice cream more profitable than fat-free or low-fat ice cream. Because over the past year, regular ice cream sales increased 8% but fat-free or low fat ice cream sales increased 1%...... So it condcludes that more profits can be achieved by providing regular ice cream to grocery store. AI: 24 A powerful business leader has far more opportunity to influence the course of a community or a nation than does any government official.” Math: 1) DS: x+y =10, if y>0? a) y = 3x b) y>x 2) DS a job will be paid for $12 for the first 8 hrs,and $1.5 *12 for extra hrs. How many hours a person worked on Tuesday last week? a) 4 more hrs were worked onTuesday than on Monday and $48 more were paid. b) Wednesday 3 more hrs than Monday and $48 more were paid for Wednesday. 3) PS:(Squr5 +Squr 10)/:(Squr5 -Squr 10)/ 4) DS Three cars were purchased. If the least expensive is greater than $12000? a) the average price of these cars were $16,000 b) the median price is $2000 more than average price 5) PS;A.B.C三个机器,produce at the same constant rate,两台机器一起工作一个星期生产M个东西用的时间比三台机器一起工作一个星期生产M个东西用的时间多两个小时。求两台工作所需时间,answer:12 6) JJ 78、PS:图表题,35个人,上面纵轴旁边写的人数,横轴下面写的是工作时间,求工作时间的median,不记得数了,反正我是选的从小到大排第18个人的时间。(answer: 6hrs) 7) DS:一个三角形,有两边相等,其中有两边是6和6Sqrt3问 perimeter (1)perimer < 24(2)说三角形有一个钝角 我选D 8) DS: if M can be divided by 12 a) M can be divided by 8 b) Mm can be divided by 18 my answer: C 9) DS: 3^(4n+2)+k divided by 10, what is the remaider? a) k= 1 b) n = 4 my answer: A 10) PS: one person is chosen from 7 candidate and 2 persons are chosen from 10 candidates my answer: C71* C 10 2 11) PS: what is the length of one edge in inches? Give the condition: the surface of cube is 21 cubes inches 12)PS: 1feet 为30cm,1立方feet是多少立方cm. answer: 27,000 13) 99,999^2-1^2=? 14) DS. 买邮票, one kind is 32 cent, another one is 23 cent. How many 32cent stamp? A: the number of 32 cents stamps is twice of 23 cents; B: total cost is 87 cents. answer: B 15)b Verbal: my first question SC: GWD 13-1 Q1: Although she had been known as an effective legislator first in the Texas Senate and later in the United States House of Representatives, not until Barbara Jordan’s participation in the hearings on the impeachment of President Richard Nixon in 1974 was she made a nationally recognized figure, as it was televised nationwide. later in the United States House of Representatives, not until Barbara Jordan’s participation in the hearings on the impeachment of President Richard Nixon in 1974 was she made a nationally recognized figure, as it was later in the United States House of Representatives, Barbara Jordan did not become a nationally recognized figure until 1974, when she participated in the hearings on the impeachment of President Richard Nixon, which were later in the Untied States House of Representatives, it was not until 1974 that Barbara Jordan became a nationally recognized figure, with her participation in the hearings on the impeachment of President Richard Nixon, which was then also later in the United States House of Representatives, not until 1974 did Barbara Jordan become a nationally recognized figure, as she participated in the hearings on the impeachment of President Richard Nixon, being E then also later in the United States House of Representatives, Barbara Jordan did not become a nationally recognized figure until 1974, when she participated in the hearings on the impeachment of President Richard Nixon, which was I chose B. Then my second question is another SC and the whole sentence is underlied. RC: 1) forgot 2) 13、蝴蝶和P植物的共生进化关系 1. 很久以来科学家研究动物与植物的进化。没有多大进展。最近有学者发现他们之间的关系可作为研究动植物进化的很重要的证据。举例: 如 蝴蝶和P植物之间存在一种特殊的关系。 2. 蝴蝶吃p的叶子和嫩芽。导p的新芽不能成长。于是p逐渐进化改变自己叶子的形状为蝴蝶不敏感植物的叶子形状。但是蝴蝶采取了一种反侦察的方式,进化自己的嗅觉,通过P发出的化学气味辨清真P假P. 3. P发现改变叶子的方式不能让蝴蝶晕菜后,又努力进化自己,改变自己的叶子,使之出现像疱疹一样的小粒状物-黄色。因为蝴蝶喜欢在叶子上产卵,但是母蝴蝶间非常绅士。从不侵略以被其他蝴蝶占领的植物。从而P保护了自己。科学家预测这个成功导致了今后蝴蝶与P共生进化链关系的结束 3) Scientist investigated men and women exercised speech...... Women were given the opportunities to do lamentation presentation. During the lamentation, sometimes women did \\"idle\\" talk。。。。。 4) D1 1700 年以后,CO2 在大气中的的含量增加了。但是没有预计中增加的那么多。A scholar 提出那是因为很多CO2被Wood 的成长吸收了。 D2 进一步阐述这个学者的观点。讲在1890接下来的40年中。大量的tree lodging,deforestration caused large amounts of CO2 to realese to atmosphere. But since 1920, this phonemenon decreased. 大量的树木成长从而吸收了CO2。这就解释了为什么CO2相对少的原因。 我今天考的成绩是650 我今天总结了一下自己没上700的原因。我认为,SC, CR, and RC 不能瘸腿,要balance. 我的第二题是个全句划线,当我按confirm 时就后悔了,紧接着又跟着来了4个SC。可能ETS嗅到了我SC较弱吧。我下决心从实力上提高自己,这样自己会终身受益的。我想如果writing,listening, and speaking 不是很strong, 即使真的进了top B-School 也会很累的。因为等待你的是大量的presentation, group discussion, and paper assignments. 感谢每一位为CD作出贡献的人
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