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prep 1-32题

State spokesperson:
Many businesspeople who have not been to our state believe that we have an inadequate road system.
Those people are mistaken, as is obvious from the fact that in each of the past six years, our state has spent more money per mile on road improvements than any other state.

Which of the following, if true, most seriously undermines the reasoning in the spokesperson's argument?

(A) In the spokesperson's state, spending on road improvements has been increasing more slowly over the past six years than it has in several other states.

(B) Adequacy of a state's road system is generally less important to a businessperson considering doing business there than is the availability of qualified employees.

(C) Over the past six years, numerous businesses have left the spokesperson's state, but about as many businesses have moved into the state.

(D) In general, the number of miles of road in a state's road system depends on both the area and the population of the state.

(E) Only states with seriously inadequate road systems need to spend large amounts of money on road improvements.


能解释一下A为什么不对? 我理解的是原文money per mile ,答案用total的概念削弱。请高手说明。

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额,有时候做逻辑题目不要把它想到太复杂了吧!这个就举个范例推翻就好。至于A,是不是slowly increase,重要么?不能对Argument产生什么负面影响!


我也觉得这道题目有问题,more money per mile
而且,E3可以说无关,因为题目中并没有说spend large amounts of money ,只有一个per mile的概念


無關比較,比較該州與several other states花在修路上的錢與道路狀況無關。



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