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新破解PREP CR1-89

Goronian lawmaker:  Goronia's Cheese Importation Board, the agency responsible for inspecting all wholesale shipments of cheese entering Goronia from abroad and rejecting shipments that fail to meet specified standards, rejects about one percent of the cheese that it inspects.  Since the health consequences and associated costs of not rejecting that one percent would be negligible, whereas the cost of maintaining the agency is not, the agency's cost clearly outweighs the benefits it provides.

Knowing the answer to which of the following would be most useful in evaluating the lawmaker's argument?

A. Are any of the types of cheeses that are imported into Goronia also produced in Goronia?

B. Has the Cheese Importation Board, over the last several years, reduced its operating costs by eliminating inefficiencies within the agency itself?

C. Does the possibility of having merchandise rejected by the Cheese Importation Board deter many cheese exporters from shipping substandard cheese to Goronia?

D. Are there any exporters of cheese to Goronia whose merchandise is never rejected by the Cheese Importation Board?

E. How is the cheese rejected by the Cheese Importation Board disposed of?

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若exporters怕被reject减少低标准cheese,agency's cost>benefit,support

如果低标准cheese进口增加,agency就会reject,从而降低由低标准cheese带来的诸多额外cost,此时agency's cost<benefit,weaken




Goronian lawmaker:  Goronia's Cheese Importation Board, the agency responsible for inspecting all wholesale shipments of cheese entering Goronia from abroad and rejecting shipments that fail to meet specified standards, rejects about one percent of the cheese that it inspects.  Since the health consequences and associated costs of not rejecting that one percent would be negligible, whereas the cost of maintaining the agency is not, the agency's cost clearly outweighs the benefits it provides.

Knowing the answer to which of the following would be most useful in evaluating the lawmaker's argument?

A. Are any of the types of cheeses that are imported into Goronia also produced in Goronia? 【在哪里生产是无关词】

B. Has the Cheese Importation Board, over the last several years, reduced its operating costs by eliminating inefficiencies 【效率也是无关词】within the agency itself?

C. Does the possibility of having merchandise rejected by the Cheese Importation Board deter many cheese exporters from shipping substandard cheese to Goronia?

D. Are there any exporters of cheese to Goronia whose merchandise is never rejected 【无关】by the Cheese Importation Board?

E. How is the cheese rejected by the Cheese Importation Board disposed of【无关】?

文章让你评价lawmaker的结论,他从前面一些论据,得出最后一句:the agency's cost clearly outweighs the benefits it provides,成本跟利润的比较。



Question: which of the following would be most useful in evaluating "the agency's cost clearly outweighs the benefits it provides"

Key word: cost, eliminating A,D,E as "out of scope"
B   cost reduced->cost outweighs benefit
"the health consequences and associated costs of not rejecting that one percent would be negligible"=>"benefit of rejecting would be negligible"
cost outweighs benefit no matter how cost reduces.

C as"strengthen" deter exporters-> extra harm which strengthens "cost outweighs benefit"

So I choose C



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