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offers several online courses via remote computer connections, in addition to traditional classroom-based courses, a study of student performance at Cheever found that, overall, the average student grade for online courses matched that for classroom-based courses.  In this calculation of the average grade course withdrawals were weighted as equivalent to a course failure, and the rate of withdrawal was much lower for students enrolled in classroom-based courses than for students enrolled in online courses.


A Among students who did not withdraw, students enrolled in online courses got higher grades, on average, than students enrolled in classroom-based courses.

B The number of students enrolled per course at the start of the school term is much higher, on average, for the online course that for the classroom-base courses.

C There are no students who take both anonling and a classroom-based course in the same school term.

D Among Cheever College students with the best grades, a significant majority take online, rather that classroom-based, courses

E Courses offered online tend to deal with subject matter that is less challenging than that of classroom-based courses.


题干说online courses 学生的grade 和classroom-based courses的一样,但前者退出率高过后者,就可以推出前者没退出的学生的平均grade高过后者吗?(A项答案解释)


那怎么知道退出的是成绩好的还是坏的?还是我的中文翻译理解错了?   求大家帮看看

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withdrawals were weighted as equivalent to a course failure,哦,那就是说退出等同于失败,就是说,凡是退出,就是O分了。这样就会拖累平均分了。原来是我理解成:退出还是有成绩的。



i think you could grasp the key ponts from "In this calculation of the average grade course withdrawals were weighted as equivalent to a course failure, and the rate of withdrawal was much lower for students enrolled in classroom-based courses than for students enrolled in online courses.". the lower the rate of withdraw, the higher average grade given grades of two types of courses are the same.



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