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For example, within minority communities, capital markets do not properly fulfill their functions; they do not provide access to the aggregate flow of funds in the United States. The financial system does not generate the credit or investment vehicles needed for underwriting economic development in minority areas. The problem underlying this dysfunction is found in a rationing mechanism affecting both the available alternatives for investment and the amount of financial resources. This creates a distributive mechanism penalizing members of minority groups because of their socioeconomic differences from others. The existing system expresses definite socially based investment preferences that result from the previous allocation of income and that influence the allocation of resources for the present and future. The system tends to increase the inequality of income distribution. And, in the United States economy, a greater inequality of income

distribution leads to a greater concentration of capital in certain types of investment.

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For example, within minority communities, capital markets do not properly fulfill their functions; they do not provide access to the aggregate flow of funds in the United States. 资本市场没有在少数民族社区中发挥作用,开始举例说明以前出现的主论点。 后半句中的the aggregate flow of funds不太懂,比较专业,不懂没关系;反正是分号前后,这样前句解释后句,说明资本市场本应当具有provide access to the aggregate flow of funds in the United States的职能。 The financial system does not generate the credit or investment vehicles needed for underwriting economic development in minority areas. 金融系统没有提供少数民族地区经济发展所相应的信用或投资工具。 对我来说,The financial system和capital markets的关系尚不清晰,但如果让我从文章中说出二者的区分来,我会指出金融体系与资本市场职能有点区别,不管这种区别是否在同一层次上:金融体系提供the credit or investment vehicles。

The problem underlying this dysfunction is found in a rationing mechanism affecting both the available alternatives for investment and the amount of financial resources. 问题根源在于rationing mechanism,配额机制。 配额机制,是否如此称谓,还需要专业意见,看来这种机制是影响上面提及的资本市场/金融体系两方面的,两者分别和the available alternatives for investment/the amount of financial resources两方面相关。虽然是专业知识,但可从这里了解一点投资学或金融学的基本概念,具体正确与否,我确实不知道,如果想超出阅读考试范围,了解些相关知识,还需要专业人士分辨。This dysfunction指代少数民族问题中资本市场/金融体系的体系失职问题。

This creates a distributive mechanism penalizing members of minority groups because of their socioeconomic differences from others. 因为社会经济的差异,少数民族受到分配机制的伤害。 This应指上一句中说的根源性现象。rationing mechanism和distributive mechanism应当是有层次上差别的两种机制。 The existing system expresses definite socially based investment preferences that result from the previous allocation of income and that influence the allocation of resources for the present and future. 现有体系源于旧有的分配投资倾向,并影响现在和未来。 The system tends to increase the inequality of income distribution. 这一体系趋向于增加收入分配的不平等。 And, in the United States economy, a greater inequality of income distribution leads to a greater concentration of capital in certain types of investment. 收入分配愈加不平等,资本不平衡的集中度愈大。 后三句表明,这一体系周而复始。



I think the question is that you do not understand the backgroud knowledge of capital investment. It is not a big issue.



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