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Which of the following ,if true, is the most logical completion of the argument below?


The tax system of the Republic of Grootland encourages borrowing by granting its taxpayers tax relief for interest paid on loans. The system also discourages saving by taxing any interest earned on savings. Nevertheless, it is clear that Grootland's tax system does not consistently favor borrowing over saving,for if it did, there would be no___.


A. tax relif in Grootland for those portions of a taxpayer's income, if any, that are set aside to increase that taxpayer's total savings


B.tax relief in Grootland for the processing fees that taxpayers pay to lending institutions when obtaining certain kinds of loans


C.tax relief in Grootland for interest that taxpayers are charged on the unpaid balance in credit card accounts


D.taxes due in Grootland on the cash value of gifts received by taxpayers from banks trying to encourage people to open savings accounts


E.taxes due in Grootland on the amount that a taxpayer has invested in interest-bearing savings accounts.



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A. tax relif in Grootland for those portions of a taxpayer's income, if any, that are set aside to increase that taxpayer's total savings

B.tax relief in Grootland for the processing fees that taxpayers pay to lending institutions when obtaining certain kinds of loans

C.tax relief in Grootland for interest that taxpayers are charged on the unpaid balance in credit card accounts

D.taxes due in Grootland on the cash value of gifts received by taxpayers from banks trying to encourage people to open savings accounts

E.taxes due in Grootland on the amount that a taxpayer has invested in interest-bearing savings accounts.

为了鼓励borrowing对loans的利息给予tax relief.discourage savings,就对savings 产生的利息征税。

A 对如果存在,用来增加savings 的那部分收入产生的利息给予tax relief 那不就是鼓励savings吗

B 正常  对人们贷款所要缴付的processing fees实行tax relief 即鼓励borrowing

C 对人们还没还清的欠款产生的利息给予TAX RELIEF  也是鼓励borrowing

D 对用来鼓励人们打开saving account所赠送的礼物征税,本身无可厚非,因为encourage&discourage是要看在原来的基础上加强了还是削弱了,不是某项制度存不存在

E 同理  和D 一样的道理。






A is correct.


这题好绕阿,要考试碰到我估计我就放弃了 赫赫


题目的意思是:ROG的税收系统 通过 减免贷款利息税 的方式 鼓励借贷。该系统也通过 征收储蓄利息税 的方式 不鼓励储蓄。 但是 很明显 ROF的税收系统是不会持续 鼓励借贷而反对储蓄的,因为如果它(持续这种态度)不会有_______.


A ) 针对 ROG纳税人收入中 留用于 增加该纳税人储蓄总额的 部分 的 税收减免政策;

B ) 针对 ROG纳税人在获得某种贷款所付给借贷机构的手续费 的 税收减免政策;

C ) 针对 ROG纳税人信用卡中未付余额所产生的利息的 税收减免政策;

D ) 针对 ROG纳税人所收到的 银行为鼓励储蓄给储户提供的礼包 的税收政策; 

E ) 针对 ROG纳税人投资于有息储蓄账户的税收政策;


选A 没什么好说的

题目说  ROF的税收系统是不会持续 鼓励借贷而反对储蓄的,因为如果它(持续这种态度)不会有_______

所以这里是在选择 鼓励储蓄 或者 反对借贷的政策内容


A ) 收入中 留下来 用于储蓄的部分 税收是减免的,这个的确是鼓励储蓄 的

B ) 借贷手续费税收减免 , 这个 是鼓励借贷的

C ) 信用卡借贷中的利息税收减免 鼓励借贷

D ) 储蓄礼包的税收 反对储蓄的

E ) 储蓄账户的税收 反对储蓄的






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