49 公司新政 factoring
版本1 Wingbell 740 V38,Q51
版本2 Capbenz 50M+34V
有一种服务叫[什么],做这种服务的公司叫Factor。看了半天这种服务就是要债的。简单说说什么请况公司需要这种服务。 然后讲factor如何工作,他们要回80-90的钱以后,自己先扣除一部分,剩下的交还给客户。(有题:问如下那个对,有一个说factor收钱先于客户。我选了这个。)
版本3ZhangWeichao 740(V40)
公司应收账款那篇,说的是很多公司需要现金周转,于是出现了代为收账的公司--factor(貌似叫这名),然后这些公司是先根据信用状况给你应收账款的70-90%,等收全款项后再扣除个什么transaction fee(貌似里面还有个说怎么balance的)我记得不太清楚了。
第二段说的是那些公司适合选择这种收账公司:风险还有收入权衡之类的(有考题,选least like选择收账公司的,记得其中有个选项是一个公司现在有个××危机但是公司的现金流比较稳定)
fungyJJ 背景资料
不想误导大家,factoring 貌似在金融领域有不同的解释,最好请考过的童鞋来确认一下。
找了点资料 factoring中文有叫做代收账款。
Factoring is a financial transaction whereby a business sells its accounts receivable (i.e., invoices) to a third party (called a factor) at a discount in exchange for immediate money with which to finance continued business. 中间商向工商企业购买应收帐款, 从中取得商定的贴现, 但必须承担亏损的风险
Factoring differs from a bank loan in three main ways. First, the emphasis is on the value of the receivables (essentially a financial asset)[1], not the firm’s credit worthiness. Secondly, factoring is not a loan – it is the purchase of a financial asset (the receivable). Finally, a bank loan involves two parties whereas factoring involves three.
It is different from the forfaiting in the sense that forfaiting is a transaction based operation while factoring is a firm based operation - meaning, in factoring, a firm sells all its receivables while in forfaiting, the firm sells one of its transactions.
Factoring is a word often misused synonymously with invoice discounting - factoring is the sale of receivables whereas invoice discounting is borrowing where the receivable is used as collateral.
The three parties directly involved are: the one who sells the receivable, the debtor, and the factor. The receivable is essentially a financial asset associated with the debtor’s Liability to pay money owed to the seller (usually for work performed or goods sold). The seller then sells one or more of its invoices (the receivables) at a discount to the third party, the specialized financial organization (aka the factor), to obtain cash. The sale of the receivables essentially transfers ownership of the receivables to the factor, indicating the factor obtains all of the rights and risks associated with the receivables.[2] Accordingly, the factor obtains the right to receive the payments made by the debtor for the invoice amount and must bear the loss if the debtor does not pay the invoice amount. Usually, the account debtor is notified of the sale of the receivable, and the factor bills the debtor and makes all collections. Critical to the factoring transaction, the seller should never collect the payments made by the account debtor, otherwise the seller could potentially risk further advances from the factor. There are three principal parts to the factoring transaction; a.) the advance, a percentage of the invoice face value that is paid to the seller upon submission, b.) the reserve, the remainder of the total invoice amount held until the payment by the account debtor is made and c.) the fee, the cost associated with the transaction which is deducted from the reserve prior to it being paid back the seller. Sometimes the factor charges the seller a service charge, as well as interest based on how long the factor must wait to receive payments from the debtor. [3] The seller also estimates the amount that may not be collected due to non-payment, and makes accommodation for this when determining the amount that will be given to the seller. The factor's overall profit is the difference between the price it paid for the invoice and the money received from the debtor, less the amount lost due to non-payment