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Clark Online Chat的整理及校友问答录


3月25日Clark商学院组织的一个Online Chat,供拿到ad和offer的同学提问的,稍微整理了一下,传上来给大家分享下吧,希望有参考价值

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Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.

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Dear friends,
> I am very glad that you are willing to answer the questions
> regarding the studying and living at Clark.
> 1. How many courses do you need to select at each semster? How many
> hours do you typically spend on your studies at each week?
> 2. Do you have any idea about the job prospect? Are there any IB and
> Fortune 500 companies that come to the campus career events?
> 3. Is it hard to find a summer intership?Is there any kind of on campus
> intership recruiting?
> 4. What kinds of assistances are provided by the career service office
> for intership and job hutting?
> Thank you very much and I look forward to your reply.
> Sincerely,


Hi ***

Greeting! Thank for the email. I am willing to answer your questions.

1. The policy is you should have more than 3 units per semester unless it
is your last semester. For the hours on course, I think it depends on your
background and your attitude. If you have relatively strong background of
finance, you can spend less on your study. But still, you need avg. like
1-2 hours on your course if you want to get an A.

2. Clark is not that famous. So it could be hard to find your ideal job.
Especially we are international students, we need sponsorship for H1B
visa, which is even harder. Honestly, we don't have very famous company
come to our school, because we are really small.

3. I don't think it's that hard to find an internship during summer, there
are still lots of oppertunities here. We usually use our job searching
website to find internship or job. Sometimes, we have some job fair in
Boston area.

4. We have career course about interview or how to find a job bla
bla...here. Still, you should be more aggressive if you want to find a
good internship or job here.

I think if you want to find a very decent job like IB or something, you
better not to choose here, because companies here really focus on your
education background. If you have better school, just go there.

Did I answer all your questions? I hope so. Good luck.

Take care


Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.



Q74: Your school is not a big school compared with other graduate school, what's the percent of the graduate and undergraduate students?

Answer: Clark University as a whole has about 3000 undergraduate and graduate students. The Graduate School of Management is smaller with around 300 graduate students.

Q74: How many of them are international students, how many of them are Chinese students?

Q74: What's your school's ranking, both of your overall performance and GSOM?

Answer: Clark GSOM is too small to be ranked in the top 50 which are the only rankings published.  AACSB accreditation and Princeton Review consider us among the top 30% in the US.

Q74: what is your school's advantage?  What about the GSOM?

Answer: Our school has a lot of advantages. For one, there are so many different cultures that come together, you are able to learn so much within the classroom and outside about the world from those who live the cultures. Plus, our professors are experienced and have worked in many different fields, so their experiences are brought into everything that they teach. Also, the small class size allows you to really know your professors and fellow classmates

Q74: You know, studying abroad is a really big investment, so How much will the tuition and other costs ,e.g. Living, insurance, and some other costs?


Q75: Sid .. what is the general class size for the MBA program?

Answer: General class size is anything from 10 up to 35-40 in each class  - depending on the course

Answer: Another input - a lot of MBA / MSF classes are shared with part-time students who have substantial work-experience and are well placed and class interactions with them help you a lot in yr program 


Q76: What work should we do in the internship??

Answer: you can do your internships in any field that interest you as long as it is approved by the career service dept

Q76: What work should we do in the summer internship????

Answer: you will look for an internship that is related to your field of study, and preferably what you want to do when you graduate.


Q77: What is the expectation of Chinese MSF students to work in US?

Answer: Chinese MSF students can go back to their country once their education is completed or choose to try and find a job in the US.


Q78: When can we complete the program?

Answer:  the MSF program is a 3 semester program, so students beginning in Fall 2009, will graduate in December 2010. The MBA is traditionally a 2 year program, shorter if you received course waivers.


Q79: Do you offer any community services?

Answer: there is plenty to do around Clark in regards to community service

Q79: How can we apply for the community services?

Answer: as for how you can participate in community services. Once you are on campus, you can contact the various student organizations on campus about getting involved.

Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.



Q80: We have to find the internship by ourselves or the school can help us to find one?

Answer: ///


Q81: how many international MSF students got job this year in the USA?

Answer: ///


Q82: How long will the spring break and Christmas holiday last?

Answer: spring break is a week and Christmas break is about two weeks

Answer: Spring break lasts for 1 week and winter break lasts for around 1 month (end of December to beginning of January)

Q82: Christmas break is two weeks?


Q83: Hello, have you already had some arrangements of internship for 08' MSF students?

Answer: ///


Q84: hello, I wonder whether it is possible to extend the 1.5year MSF program into 2 yr? and yes, would there be any additional requirements?

Answer: ///


Q85: As I checked the financial times, economist or other rankings I did not find Clark in the first 100 schools . Can you give me some references to find the MSF ranking in US or world ?

Answer: ///


Q86: I really wanna know now what's the exact date of the end of the first semester (2009/2010)?

Answer: we haven't posted the schedule yet for Fall, but this year, the Fall semester ended around December 19/20.


Q87: What about the living expense there?

David, the cost of living will be much less than in Boston but you still have the resources of a city and close proximity to Boston.

Answer: you have many options for housing and can lower the cost by having roommates.

Answer: we provide an approximate cost of living on the website which is very accurate.

Q87: How much do you spend a year for a Chinese student?

Answer: I’m not sure per Chinese student

Q87: Generally speaking, It is said that 70% are Chinese

Answer: We do have a large Chinese population in the MSF program but not in the MBA program. 

Q87: The reason that I rise that question is to make my budget ahead. So the more accurate, the more helpful.

Answer: the estimates we provide for living are very accurate.

Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.



Q88: do you have any student organizations?

Answer: yes Clark has several student organizations - both formal and cultural 

Answer: We have the Student Council, Finance Association, Women in Business. 

Answer: I am a part of the South Asian Students Association ( SASA ) and you can contact me for it - sisharma@clarku.edu

Q88: is there CSSA?-- Chinese students and scholarship association

Answer: Yes, we also have CSSA.


Q89: What's the proportion of MSF students to get the CFA?

Answer: While I'm not sure of the exact proportion, I do know that many students use the MSF degree as preparation for the CFA. Lisa in the Career services chat room may know more.

Answer: I would estimate that about 10-15% of the MSF students take the CFA during or right after the program.  We see them studying together.  It is entirely the choice of the student whether to take the test or not.  We haven't yet seen a direct correlation to getting jobs due to the CFA certification.


Q90: I am wondering will the program have specific courses or any specific assistance to help us pass the CFA test.



Q91: I am a CFA level II candidate and hopefully will pass the level II this comming June. Will this help me to find a good intern and a job after graduation? I mean how much is the weight?



Q92: Are MBA students pursuing CFA too?

Answer: some MBA students do intend to pursue CFA -especially those specializing in Accounting


Q93: Besides the courses required, is there any selective courses?like risk management?

Answer: as for the course requirements, you take 9-10 units of mandatory courses and then the rest are electives in your area of concentration. For instance, Advertising is an elective in marketing. International Labor Relations is in Global Business. So there are many opportunities to take courses in your area of concentration

Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.



Q04: do you have swimming pool in campus

Answer: Yes, there is one in the gym.

Q94: and any soccer field? 

Answer: Yes .. sports is big item in Clark and we have a lot of good facilities on campus


Q95: What is the database system in your school library? Sorry, I mean how is the database in your school library?

Answer: are you trying to ask us about the academic resources available outside of class?

Answer: Swilson, please visit our library site at http://www.clarku.edu/research/goddard/. We have tonnes of academic resources available online and offline. You can also use the libraries of other colleges around Worcester and borrow books from other colleges in the country.

Q95: Wow, that's cool~ You mean in USA?

Answer: Yes you can use the Interlibrary Loan service which allows you to request books or articles that are not available at our library and the library will try and get it for you from other universities.



Q96: when will the MSF program Fall 2009 start?

Answer: Classes start on August 31, but we'll have student orientation the whole week before this.

Answer: Orientation will begin on 8/24/2009 and classes begin on 8/31/2009


Q97: How much it gonna cost If I choose to live on campus?

Answer: you will find exact costs for each type of on-campus housing (with photos) on our website.

Answer: refer to this link for estimates on on-campus housing expenses http://www.clarku.edu/offices/housing/options/graduate.cfm

Answer: If you live on campus in is between 6,000 - 8,000 depending on where you live for the year


Q98: does the school arrange the intern for the students or we have to hunt for it by ourselves?

Answer: our Career Services department is a great help when it comes to finding internships and preparing you for them, but you are expected to do some searching as well


Q99: how many credits should a MSF program student take



Q100: when should I come to Clark University?

Answer: it is best to arrive at least a week before Orientation. 

Q100: how long does it take me to finish this program (how many months?)

Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.



Q57: I have already sent my transcript, what else can i provide to prove that i my the chance to waive the Prerequisite course of financial accounting? what about a outline of the course i took

Answer: leon_yung2003, yes, a course description would be great...you can email it to me (apopp@clarku.edu)

Answer: To waive accounting you need courses taken in the U.S.

Answer: You can take a waiver exam to try to waive accounting, but you need to know U.S. accounting standards.


Q58: Can you tell me the current ranking of the Clark MBA program

Answer: About rankings, Clark is among the top 30% of US business schools and top 15% worldwide.  Our finance faculty have been ranked in the top ten in the country based on their research.


Q59: Is there any cooperative program between companies Clark MSF ?

Answer: ///


Q60: Do students have a chance of getting a TA or GA awarded to them the second year?

Answer: ///


Answer: I’m getting my MBA in marketing does any one have any questions about concentrations?

Q61: Is there an option to mix two concentrations

Answer: yes you can have dual concentrations

Answer: All of here are concentrating in different fields. For instance, I am getting my MBA in marketing and global business. Does anyone have any questions?

Answer: I am specializing in Marketing and have a 5 yr tech experience and am going for my Internship in Marketing Strategy in a tech firm in California ... anyone has any queries related to Marketing with that kind of experience can talk to me 

Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.



Q61: When are the concentrations to be taken? In the second year or first year

Answer: you can start your concentration during the first year, i would suggest that.

Q61: Anyone from the concentration of Management Information System?

Answer: Sorry none of us in the chat room right now as MIS concentration

Answer: Our MBA program has a focus on global issues, so it is woven into the content of all of the courses that you take at Clark, but "Global Business" is a concentration that you can choose

Q61: @Ainsley, any MBA student can apply for this program? are there any requirements?

Answer: Tuanzi, are you asking if any MBA student can choose the Global Business concentration?

Q61: @Ainsley, nono. i'm asking if there are any requirements of the global program, like The Global Business Seminar , as mentioned on the school website?

Answer: Tuanzi, there are no specific requirements of the MBA program when it comes to things like the Global Business Seminar if you are choosing to do another concentration. If you are choosing to do the Global Business concentration, it is likely that you will need to take that seminar

Q61: @Ainsley, how are the faculty concentrated on MIS?

Answer: Tuanzi, I actually do not know much about the MIS professors, I have actually only taken the introductory MIS course

Answer: Tuanzi - I am TA to the Director MSIT who takes some classes for MIS – MBA. And most of the MIS faculty here is pretty good

Q61: @Ainsley.kkk.. does anyone else know thing about MBA's concentration on MIS?

Answer: Tuanzi .... the MIS is a good concentration of the MBA and we have many students doing that currently


Q61: Can we choose the concentration after the 1st semester

Answer: yes you can choose after the 1st semester


Q62: Is the Summer interns available for everybody? Can you guarantee that international students can find good ones?

Answer: There are no guarantees, but I can tell you that in the past all but a couple students have obtained and completed the internship requirement.  Those that weren't able to find an internship didn't try very hard

Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.



Q63: How many students are you going to admit this year?

Answer: We expect to enroll 50-60 new MBA students, and 70-80 MSF students.


Q64: is there any additional paperwork to fill out for financial aid?

Answer: All students are considered for merit-based awards.

Answer: You can find information about student loans on our website.

Answer: If you're interested in U.S. loans, you should contact the Office of Financial Assistance at finaid@clarku.edu.

Q64: Does Clark reconsidered students on a merit-base award their second year who are looking to get scholarships?

Answer: ///


Q65: how about the MSF class's students ratio of USA students to International students?

Answer: We expect the MSF to be about 70% international students.


Q66: How many books we can borrow from library one time?

Answer: you can borrow as many books as you want from the library


Q67: is it safe around the campus? Yeah~ What about the security problem? any robberies around the campus?

Answer: Regarding safety: It is safe around the campus.  But this is a city, and precautions must be taken, especially at night.  For example, we have an escort service and this should be used.


Q68: How can I apply for the on-campus job? I knew some students work in the library

Answer: during orientation you will receive information on how to apply for on campus jobs


Q69: Are all the students in one class or divided into small ones?

Answer: We have small classes of 15-30 students.


Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.



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