Me: good afternoon sir, nice to meet you.(整个人笑着过去的,故意体现出精神状态很好的样子)
VO: oh, just for a minute. (他在打电脑弄之前那个人的资料,也对我笑了)
Me: ok, no problem.
VO: just for a second. (离开座位了一会)
Me: no problem.(我于是开始埋头把资料全瘫在桌子上,想一会好取资料)
VO: balabala(他回来了,我用余光看到他看到我在认真摆资料,边说了一串边示意我他要擦护手霜,于是他边擦护手霜边冲我笑)
Me: ok,ok(我也冲他笑,这时我突然很想咳嗽,因为我是抱病准备2000的,于是转头开始猛咳)
VO: are you ok?(很关切的样子)
Me: I am fine. I have a cold. (心里真激动,这么好的VO去哪找)
Me: This is my materials. (主动说话,递进我的DS等表格).This is my second time to have the visa interview. Unfortunately, I have been rejected last time in Chengdu.
VO: so do you have any change this time?
Me: I prepare my materials more completely and (边说边用手示意瘫在桌上的一排材料,还没等我说完,他接上)
VO: why you choose ** university?
Me: balabala(他居然没问我为什么这次到北京签.另外总觉得他貌似知道我的学校,因为感觉他念我的学校时很熟练,还没等我说第二句,他接上)
VO: how many university you apply?
Me: balabala
VO: what are they?
VO: why you choose these universities where are located in the northeast, why you have not choose some in west or other place?
Me: I have no idea about it. I only seek these universities in the website of US news and compare their academics and campus.
VO: how do you think your parents can support you?
Me: when my parents know that I have opportunity to go abroad, they give me the support financially and emotionally. (这种问法很严厉阿,我感觉形式不好,于是边说边拿财产的资料)
VO:balabala(示意我放下资料,比划着让我别动资料)just tell me.
Me: My father is *****,my mother is ****,my father’s salary is about **per year. My mother’s salary is about***.
VO: what kind of job of your father?
VO: do your parents have other ways to make extra money?
Me: yes, there are several ways to make money, such as invest stock.
VO: do you know how much you will spend in the US?
Me: yes, about **US dollars per year containing tuition fee and(还没等我说完).
VO: you are approved.(把绿条给我)
Me 我不敢相信这么快)so this materials are not necessary?
VO: yes, you are fine. you are fine. (说了两遍)
Me:Thank you so much. (笑着接过我的东西,心里狂喜)
1, 命有点好。这话不假,VO心情真的不错,我和他整个谈话基本上是笑着的,和成都比那叫一个天壤之别啊。
2, 充分准备。材料一摊,要什么有什么,VO知道我准备的够充分,连材料都不看我的。
3, 对自己的情况很了解,要多少钱,父母工资多少我能很顺的说出来,如果在这磕磕巴巴,可能会影响结果的。
4, 一定要笑,一定要精神,要表现出整个人是positive的。 |