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求教 OG-61 我的理解有问题吗?

The recent dicline in the value of the dollar was triggered by a prediction of slower economic growth in the coming year . But that prediction would not have adversely affected the dollar had it not been for the government 's huge budget deficit , which must therefore be decreased to prevent future currency declines .

Which of the following ,if ture ,would most seriously weaken the conclusion about how to prevent future currency declines?

A: The government has made little attempt to reduce the budget dificit .

B:The budget dificit has not caused a slowdown in economic growth .

C:The value of the dollar diclined several times in the year prior to the recent prediction of slower economic growth .

D:Before there was a large budget deficit,predictions of slower economic growth frequently caused diclines in the dollar's value.

E:When there is a large budget dificit, other events in addition to predictions of slower economic growth sometimes trigger declines in currency value.

我的疑问在于“conclusion about how to prevent future currency declines”指的是什么?我的理解是指“budget deficit must be decreased to prevent future currency declines”,但这样一来,答案D就不对了,而只能勉强选B;但从OG对D的解释来看“conclusion”指的是“predict can cause a currency decline only if accompanied by a large budget deficit”但这无论如何与“how to prevent future currency declines”扯不到一起,难道我的阅读理解有问题?请牛牛指教。

附OG解释:“The argument assumes that a particular predict can cause a currency decline only if accompanied by a large budget deficit. Since choice D states that this prediction can cause a currency decline without a large budget deficit, choice D is the best answer.”

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OH YEAH, undermine the assumption of conclusion instead of the conclusion itself.



对呀,原文的结论就是decreased budget deficit can prevent future currency declines;其实在原文的推理过程中犯的逻辑错误我们可以称之为,after this, therefore because of this,原文中所说的是prediction伴随着huge budget deficit导致value of the dollar decline;其实实际上只是huge budget deficit恰巧发生在value of the dollar decline之前;D说predictions没有huge budget deficit也导致了value of the dollar decline;这样原文的结论decreased budget deficit can prevent future currency declines就不成立了。

B中所说的budget dificit与economic growth slowdown与原文的逻辑关系无关。原文说的是prediction,与economic growth slowdown有区别。




偶是NN取非,先理清原文的line of reasoning:

prediction of slower economic growth +government 's huge budget deficit——value of the dollar decline==>decreased budget deficit can prevent future currency declines;

D中说Before there was a large budget deficit,也就是说prediction of slower economic growth不需要government 's huge budget deficit==>value of the dollar decline从而打破了原文的line of reasoning,budget deficit并不能影响value of the dollar;原文的结论自然也就不成立了!



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