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单词:render many jobs obsolete, displaced workers, primary responsibility, obligation, assume responsibility, adjust to, educators, broader base of practical and theoretical coursework, flexibility, bear some responsibility, shoulder the responsibility, be responsible to, duty. Compensate for, stipend, return to work. 

观点:Being laid off don’t mean a worker’s inability to perform good task, but in many situation represents a country’s economic situation as well as technical advances. 所以,三者应该SHARE这种变化带来的后果to maintain stabilization

1.企业也不可避免地要负责。因为技术革新而减少了人员雇佣并不是雇员的错,所以企业要给雇员以补偿。而且要定期技术培训,争取减少裁员。FOR INSTANCE FORD’S ASSEMBLY LINE

3.AIThe best teachers are those who expect their students to challenge popular ideas rather than accept them.好的老师希望他们的学生去质疑而不是接受



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    (10)题库中范文10 200 12000学生的那道。10. 地方性报纸的编者按:


    去年由于demand for the mining technology reduce, 大多数公司的利润和股票价格下降。又有调查表明,人们对再生资源的兴趣增加,因此有家b公司,因该把研究的对象投入到新的再生能源的领域。


    (34)The following appeared as part of a plan proposed by an executive of the Easy Credit Company to the president.

“The Easy Credit Company would gain an advantage over competing credit card services if we were to donate a portion of the proceeds from the use of our cards to a well-known environmental organization in exchange for the use of its symbol or logo on our card. Since a recent poll shows that a large percentage of the public is concerned about environmental issues, this policy would attract new customers, increase use among existing customers, and enable us to charge interest rates that are higher than the lowest ones available.”



    “Studies have found that employees of not-for-profit organizations and charities are often more highly motivated than employees of for-profit corporations to perform well at work when their performance is not being monitored or evaluated. Interviews with employees of not-for-profit organizations suggest that the reason for their greater motivation is the belief that their work helps to improve society. Because they believe in the importance of their work, they have personal reasons to perform well, even when no financial reward is present. Thus, if our corporation began donating a significant portion of its profits to humanitarian causes, our employees’ motivation and productivity would
increase substantially and our overall profits would increase as well.”


    油价上涨和开辟新的航线是航空公司利润下滑, 但是其他公司也收到油价上涨的影响, 但是利润并没有下滑. 所以开辟新航线是主要原因. 建议取消新的航线


10.(2) The following appeared in a memorandum from the business department of the Apogee Company.

“When the Apogee Company had all its operations in one location, it was more profitable than it is today. Therefore, the Apogee Company should close down its field offices and conduct all its operations from a single location. Such centralization would improve profitability by cutting costs and helping the company maintain better supervision of all employees.” 当Apogee将它所有的业务部门集中在一处时,它将有比现在更多的利润。因此,Apogee应该关闭它的驻外办公室并从单一场所管理它的所有部门。这样的话,集中会通过削减成本提高利润,并帮助公司更好地对所有员工进行监督。



    (125)The following appeared as part of the business plan of the Capital Idea investment firm.

 “Across town in the Park Hill district, the Thespian Theater, Pizzazz Pizza, and the Niblick Golf Club have all had business increases within the past two years.  Capital Idea should therefore invest in the Roxy Playhouse, the Slice-o’-Pizza, and the Divot Golf Club, three new businesses in the Irongate district.  As a condition, we should require them to participate in a special program:  Any customer who patronizes two of the businesses will receive a substantial discount at the third.  By motivating customers to patronize all three, we will thus contribute to the profitability of each and maximize our return.” 125. Capital Idea投资公司的商业计划:
在ParkHill区的Thespian剧院,Pizzazz比萨,Niblick高尔夫俱乐部在过去2年都有业务增长。因此Capital Idea应该投资Poxy剧场,Slic-o比萨和Divot高尔夫俱乐部这3家新的Irongate区的企业。为使他们达到条件,我们应该要求他们参加特殊的项目:任何顾客在其中两家消费将在第三家得到折扣。通过刺激顾客在所有3家店消费,我们将增进每一家的利润,从而使我们的回报最大化。

    (94)某公司去年开始给经理在家里配备电脑和付电话费,然后这个公司去年的生产力就增加了,所以应该建议其它公司也这么做,因为这样的话员工就会在家多工作了。94. 电脑杂志的文章:

    (44)grocery store去年增加了pharmacy section,sales上升了20%;建议再继续增加别的sections,使得store在当地的竞争力上升。44. Megamart杂货店的管理层的商务计划:

    (61)杂志上因为登了BODYBUILDER的图片而大卖,所以要引进同样的MACHINE 61. 本地报纸上给编者的信板块:
一份叫Muscle Monthly的健康杂志规律性地刊登使用最好的训练器械的健美运动员的照片。据skyview报摊的摊主说它经常卖完。为了提高我镇居民的健康水平,我们应该给我们的新健身中心装备这样的器械。



9Employees should keep their private lives and personal activities as separate as possible from the workplace. 职工应该使他们的私人活动原离工作地点。 fficeffice" />


110The most effective business leaders are those who remain the highest ethical standars.最有效率的企业领导是保持最高道德标准的人。

13Responsibility for preserving the natural environment ultimately belongs to each individual person, not to government.保护环境的任务最终还是属于个人而不是政府。

10.60AI emplyer should not get the imformation of employees' health and other aspects of personal lives without employees' permission “没有雇员的同意时,雇主应该没有权力去了解他的雇员的健康状况和其他的私人生活方面的信息。”



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