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2.14 北美一战成功 一些JJ

AWA 两篇JJ 上都有。




A recent review of the West Cambria volunteer ambulance service revealed a longer average response time to accidents than was reported by a commercial ambulance squad located in East Cambria. In order to provide better patient care for accident victims and to raise revenue for our town by collecting service fees for ambulance use, we should disband our volunteer service and hire a commercial ambulance service.


Employees should keep their personal lives and activities as separate as possible from the workplace.


1.     X is an integer, is X divisible by 8?

1)    X can be divided by 4 and 6

2)     X can be divided by 10 and 18

2.     X, Y, Z are integers, Z=X+3, the average of XYZ is 10. Which below can be the median of X, Y, Z?

1) 9

2) 10

3) 11

Answer: I & III only


The 30% acid liquid solution is produced by adding X gallon 20% acid liquid solution to Y gallon 60% acid liquid solution. To get 10 gallon 30% acid solution, how many gallon of 60% liquid is needed?

请看下面 Suconnan 的答案。




      the temples were built “in one generation”. 问作者说
      in one generation 为了什么?选了说明social reform was short lived.

另外一篇阅读是讲1960年以前American Latino writers 的贡献的。提到两个人。 一个是女的, 写了一本关于自己当护士和参加Mexican revolution的回忆录, 先用西班牙文写的,但是没能发表,有用英文写,还是不能发表,一直到1994才发表。 另外一个人叫 William ... Willam的诗人,他的成就不被认为是Latino writers的成就,一直到1994 有个叫 M的人 写了本关于William ... Willam的书,才被归为Latino writer.

有一道题问1994年发表的两本书的性质, 选第一本 什么的prose, 第二本对诗的commentery.

还有一题问那个女的对什么不neutral, 现了那个有mexican relution的答案。



不要太在意做得越好题目越难的说法。觉得数学很简单, 根本没有平时模拟时难,很怕有什么陷阱, 结果很简单的题也检查好一阵。 做到最后第二题时,出来了一道直角三角形两直角边长度已知,求斜边上的高的题,当时心都凉了。。。 最后M 51。


平时做题不多,考试的时候三个section时间都很紧。 作文都没什么时间检查,V最后时间不够,最后两道题匆匆看过,乱选了答案。 感觉题目出题意图还挺明显的,和og上题路挺近的。

觉得考试强度还是挺大, 考前要休息好。 希望大家都考好。

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