Japan received huge sums of capital from the United States after the Second World War, using it to help build a modern industrial system.
A) Japan received huge sums of capital from the United States after the Second World War, using it to help build B) Japan received huge sums of capital from the United States after the Second World War and used it to help in building C) Japan used the huge sums of capital it received from the United States after the Second World War to help build D) Japan's huge sums of capital received from the United States after the Second World War were used to help it in building E) Receiving huge sums of capital from the United States after the Second World War, Japan used it to help build 标准答案是(C)。因为不明白(C)中的 it 在句中做什么成分,我选择了(B)。有没有人能够解释一下正确答案吗?
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-11-6 16:33:08编辑过] |