AA: The following appeared in a memorandum from the CEO of a consumer electronics manufacturing firm to the head of the company's human resources department, who is responsible for hiring new employees:
“Eight years ago, our firm’s profits were increasing with each new employee we added. We discovered that each employee had the skills and motivation to generate more revenue for the firm than his or her salary cost us. However, for the past two years, our profit margin has been falling, even though we have continued to add employees. Thus, our newer employees are not generating enough revenue to justify their salaries. We must not be hiring new employees with the same level of skills and motivation as those we used to attract. Clearly, then, failures in the human resources department account for our falling profits.”
AI: “Since the physical work environment affects employee productivity and morale, the employees themselves should have the right to decide how their workplace is designed.”
Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.
1. X=20開跟號, 問80開跟號要怎麼用X表示? 答案是2X
2. (數字是我隨便設的,不過概念是一樣的) [(3/4)/(2/7)]/[(1/2)/(3/8)]=?
答案是 (3/4)(7/2)(3/8)(2/1)
3. 2^k被10除後的餘數 答案是B
I. k為10的倍數
II. k為4的倍數
4. ABCD在數線上,AB的距離為20,AD的距離為7,BC的距離為3問下列何者可能為BD的距離? 答案是都可以
I. 10
II. 24
III. 30
5. abx>aby?
I. ax>ay
II. bx>by
6. 四邊形是不是矩形? 答案是C
I. 兩個角是直角
II. 兩條對角線相等
7. n=A*B*C*D,且A, B, C, D為四個質數,問若不含1和n本身,n有幾個因數 答案是14 考試時太緊張,居然沒看到”不含”,一時還算不出來 : (
8. 點(a,b)是不是和點(-1,3)在直線y+2x=0的同側:答案是C
9. 白吃題: 1加到100=?答案是5050
10. 似有人整理的: (具體數字記不清了,大概是根號裏面119.23×63.99×6.98,開根號後再除0.49,求近似值) 但我碰到的題目是沒有那個6.98,然後我近似的答案沒有在選項裡(答案最大只有到12x),現在還是不知道是怎樣 : (
11. 有一數列,全距是24.1(有點忘記確切數字),問若是數列中的所有數都加6再除以10,這樣子全距會變成多少? 答案是給的那個數除以10就好
12. a、b兩點在數軸上且在0的兩邊,問是否a在原點的右邊? 答案是C
13. r=U^2+V^2, S=2UV, T=U^2-V^2,求若是用s和t表示的話,r^2=?
答案是(S^2+T^2)^2 (這題我整理半天,最後是用假設硬代的)
14. 7^14除以10,問餘數 答案是9
15. y=a(x-h)^2+k, a大於0, 問和x軸有幾個焦點
I. h=0
II. k=3
16. (不好意思,這題的確切數字有點給他忘記,不過還是po出來給大家參考一下題型)有一個輸送帶運送東西from A to B,它的運送速度是每秒2公分,問A到B的距離有沒有超過90公尺 答案是E(這題大家不要硬背喔,因為我條件部分的數字不確定)
I. 總共運了超過5分鐘
II. 總共運了不超過10分鐘
17. 有一個正方形周長為X,內切於一個圓內,求圓面積 答案是pai/32
1. 碰到有人提過的太空人和輻射的那題,第一段沒有問題,我也是覺得讀起來是說”人們認為宇宙射線將對地球人登陸火星的旅途造成困難,但是後來認為宇宙射線並沒有人們想像的那麼有危害”
但是第二段的地方,我覺得讀起來是多科學家用一個新方法來測定宇宙輻射線的危害,他們發現低petron的反而對人體比較有害,因為他們的速度比較慢,讓petron更有時間和人組織起作用; 他們在做這項實驗時有factor in “太空人身體比一般人好”和”從全身研究轉向部分組織研究”,已排除實驗的risk…這邊和之前人看到的有點出入(請大家再補充吧…)
1. 問main idea: 一種新的研究方法導致原來的認識重新被assess
2. 問作者提到”太空人身體比一般人好”是為什麼 (這邊我想了很久,不會選,所以可能我前面寫的是誤解的)
3. 忘記了,但不是問用什麼新方法
Blabla (一件完整描述的事情) ….; which is .......
(A) 和(B)因為都是which 開頭我直接跳過,因為在AT裡面which 不可以代替前面的事情
但(C) why the planet winds are stronger the farther the planet is from sun.
(D) why….忘記了
(E) why, if the planet us farther from sun, the planet winds are stronger.
還有一題考not so much xxx as xxx 的用法,很簡單,但還是不確定
題目是類似S does not so much V1 as V2 或S not so much V1 as V2
好了…以上是我記得的報告完畢,我還得要再加油,SC那邊有高手會的請指點一下,謝謝! |