第一次考gmat,考完后只有数学还ok,我数学拿到48,至于语文部分...唉..真的要在加油~~要准备第二战了!! awa部分,argument: "To reverse the deterioration of the postal service, the government should raise the price of postage stamps. This solution will no doubt prove effective, since the price increase will generate larger revenues and will also reduce the volume of mail, thereby,eliminating the strain on the existingsystem and contributing to improved morale." issue: 政府应不应该对business and other organizations的regulate负责 数学:JJ还满重要的~~~我今天大概有遇到几题都是JJ的 1.白色T-SHIRT和红色T-SHIRT那题 2.n是整数,n被15除的余数r为多少? a.n除五余四 b, n除六余五 3.有三个班,abc,九个人同时上ab,14个同时上ac,没人同时上bc,问有几个学生至少同时上一个班 a.三个班人数相同 b.给你三个班的总人数 4. t是不能被10整除的整数,r是t的四次方除以10的余数,问r有几种可能 5.这一题不是jj的~他是问你斜率,有给你一个图还有一个点,问你这条线的斜率是多少.这一题其实可以看图回答,因为这条线的斜率是负的,五个选项中有四个选项的答案都是正的,所以..就选那个负的~ |