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OG 文章请教,谢谢!
1 GMAT OG Passage 3 ,讲如何支助 Minority Business 的那篇。
Ironically, MESBIC staffs, which usually consist of
Hispanic and Black professionals, tend to approach
investments in minority firms more pragmatically than
do many MESBIC directors, who are usually senior
managers from sponsoring corporations. The latter
often still think mainly in terms of the “social responsibility
approach” and thus seem to prefer deals that are
riskier and less attractive than normal investment criteria
would warrant. Such differences in viewpoint have produced
uneasiness among many minority staff members,
who feel that minority entrepreneurs and businesses
should be judged by established business considerations.These staff members believe their point of view is closer
to the original philosophy of MESBIC’s and they are
concerned that, unless a more prudent course is followed,
MESBIC directors may revert to policies likely
to re-create the disappointing results of the original SBA
我有点拿不准意思,MESBIC的股东们喜欢操作 risker的投资,但这又有什么问题呢?Many minority staff members concern 什么呢?后来就不理解了,希望大家指点,万分感谢!!还有个问题,og大家都说阅读48篇,在下载区我下载了OG 10th , 前面48篇它都很仔细的编上号:Passage 1, Passage 2, Passage 3..... Passage 48, 可后面还有20篇,分别被它标注为:passage 28~33,passage49~50,以及没有任何标号的12篇,请问那是什么?也是og吗?它也是有题目的。 |