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请教: OG100

100. A compelling optical illusion called the illusion of velocity and size makes objects appear to be moving more slowly the larger the objects are. Therefore, a motorist's estimate of the time available for crossing a highway with a small car approaching is bound to be lower  than that it would be with a large truck approaching.

the conclusin above would be more properly drawn if it were made clear that the:
A truck's speed is assumed to be lower that the car's
B truck's speed is assumed to be the same as the car's
C truck's speed is assumed to be higher than the car's

question: 1.第一句话的MORE SLOWLY THE LARGER THE OBJECTS ARE 是不是倒装了一下?
2. KEY:B, 但为什么C 不对呢?

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1。the more ....the more句型 2。前面讲了一个理论。。后面THEREFORE。。。然后一个例子来说明以上理论。。 例子为了说明这个理论,需要一个ASSUMPTION:两辆车速度可比(一样),即B C存在,使例子成为了一个当然正确的事实。。。但是起不到说明理论的作用。。和前面理论的说明脱钩了。。可以理解为无关。


If C, the preassumption is useless.



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