很多考生一直认为对于GMAT阅读的攻克策略就是读懂,其实这只是一个方面,有一部分考生忽略了对GMAT阅读题型的了解和把握,因而即使在能读懂原文的前提下还是没有解题的思路,因此我们认为考生对GMAT阅读的题型的特点进行了解是有必要的,接下来我们就向考生介绍GMAT阅读中的一些常见考试题型,通过这些题型考生能够了解每一类题型的解题思路进而将会避免在解题过程中出现的一些弯路。 题型一:主要观点题 主要观点题是需要考生发现并找出文章中作者的主要观点或写作的主要目的,换言之,这些题目所要考察的是你能否找出作者的观点,目的和意图,因此很多考生在阅读时不能将整篇文章进行系统的理解,而是“只见树,不见林”,因此这类题型要求考生需要具备从文章的细枝末节中找出更具系统的观点来。考生需要在读完整篇文章之后,需要在大脑中将文章的主题和作者的观点意图系统的记录下来。一般来讲,每篇文章都会有至少一个主要观点,也即文章主题,关键是如何找出记录整篇文章的主要观点来,因为很多文章并没有阐明主题或主要观点,这就需要考生从总体上去把握文章细节的东西。另外考生应对主要观点的提问方法有所了解,主要观点题的一般问法如下: Which of the following most accurately states the main idea of the passage? Which of the following best summarizes the main idea of the passage? The main idea of the passage is that……? 一般来讲,主要观点题在解题过程中需要考生注意的是,如果答案的某一个选项只是涉及了一个人,事件,或一个具体的观点(而非主要观点),那么考生这时应该注意该选项不是主要观点题的最佳选项。例如短文中有一半以上的内容是对两种现象的比较,而在主要观点题中的答案却忽略了对两种现象的比较,那么该答案选项就过于狭窄,因此不能被列入最佳答案。在遇到主要观点题时,考生只需做的是通过文章理解与领会作者的意图与观点,而不是让自己的理解超越作者的意图。 题型二:细节理解题 这类题型主要考察考生对细节信息的处理能力,具体上说,这类题型所给出的五个选项中总会有一个选项在文章的某处被提及或未被提及过,我们建议考生在阅读文章的过程中,记录下一个简明的题纲,这样可以帮助你很快找到所需的信息。只要文章中出现了列举,那么我们就可以将列举处的信息记录下来。另外考生在这里会出现一个认识误区,即认为有关文章的列举信息或内容,答案会逐字重复文中的列举内容,然而选项通常不会与文章的内容一模一样,选项给出的内容只是对文中列举的内容进行的解释和说明或着说是改写。为更好的让考生进行理解,请看下例: In large part as a consequence of the feminist movement, historians have focused a great deal of attention in recent years on determining more accurately the status of women in various periods. Although much has been accomplished for the modern period, premodern cultures have proved more difficult:sources are restricted in number, fragmentary, difficult to interpret, and often contradictory.Thus it is not particularly surprising that some earlier scholarship concerning such cultures has so far gone unchallenged. An example is Johann Bachofen’s 1861 treatise on Amazons, women-ruled societies of questionable existence contemporary with ancientGreece. All of the following are stated by the author as problems connected with the sources for knowledge of premodern cultures EXCEPT (A) partial completeness (B) restricted accessibility (C) difficulty of interpretation (D) limited quantity (E) tendency toward contradiction 本题的出题点针对文中的斜体划线部分的文字内容,本题选项中提及了与文中举例部分不相关的内容,从而混淆了考生识别文章段落信息的能力,象本题一样,我们可以将四个选项与文中的四个列举对应起来,剩下的那个选项则为我们要选的正确答案。(A)partial completeness=fragmentary;(C) difficulty of interpretation=difficult to interpret; (D) limited quantity=restricted in number; (E) tendency toward contradiction=often contradictory.因此我们可以从中得出结论,只有B选项在文中没有对应的内容。 题型三:推断解释题 这类题型要求考生从文章的具体细节信息中得出推断或对文章的细节内容进行解释。在推断解释题型里有些答案选项给出的是一个十分武断的结论,而我们在文章中找不出有关该结论的根据,这时候极有可能出题机构引用了文章以外的材料,或者夸大或歪曲了作者的的推断。通常情况下,作者在文章的推论过程体现在文章中会将多个不同的事物联系起来或从语言形式上会将多个句子连贯在一起。 例:Ironically, it wasHandsomeLakewho can be credited with reviving the Iroquois culture.Lake, the alcoholic half-brother of Seneca Cornplanter, perhaps the most outspoken proponent among the Iroquois for assimilation of white customs and institutions, was a former member of the Great Council of Iroquois nations. Inspired by a near-death vision in 1799, Lake established a new religion among the Iroquois which tied the more useful aspects of Christianity to traditional Indian beliefs and customs. Among the following reasons, it is most likely that the author considers Handsome Lake’s leading a revival of the Iroquois culture to be“ironic”because (A) he was a former member of the Great Council (B) he was not a full-blooded relative of Seneca Cornplanter (C) he was related by blood to a chief proponent of assimilation (D) Seneca Cornplanter wasLake’s alcoholic half-brother (E) His religious beliefs conflicted with traditional Iroquois beliefs. 在文章,作者使用“Ironically”作为段落的开头,而该题目针对这“Ironically”进行发问,透过文章,我们可以知道“Cornplanter was an outspoken proponent of assimilation and that Handsome Lake was related to Cornplanter as a half-brother.”既然Cornplanter是吸收白人文化及制度的积极倡导者和支持着,而Handsome Lake与Cornplanter是half-brother的关系,因此,只能说有关”Lake was responsible fro the Iroquois reasserting their national identity”这个事实是具有讽刺意味的。 题型四:写作意图题 该题型主要考察考生对文章中具体细节信息的功能与目的的识别能力,很多考生往往在阅读中总是被细节部分的内容本身所纠缠,而忽略了作者运用这些细节内容的理由。在阅读时,理解作者提出某些内容的意图要比记住这些内容本身更重要,有些写作意图题作者在文章中并没有说出他提出某个内容是为了支持某个主张或为了某种意图,遇到此种情况,考生需要自己推断这些目的或是意图。 例:Cartier-Bresson has expressed his passion for portrait photography by characterizing it as“a duel without rules, a delicate rape.”Such metaphors contrast quite sharply with Richard Avedon’s conception of a sitting. While Cartier-Bresson reveals himself as an interloper and opportunist, Avedon confesses---perhaps uncomfortably---to a role as diagnostician and (by implication) psychic healer: not as someone who necessarily transforms his subjects, but as someone who reveals their essential nature. The author of the passage quotes Cartier-Bresson in order to (A) refute Avedon’s conception of a portrait sitting (B) provide one perspective of the portraiture encounter (C) support the claim that portrait sittings are, more often than not, confrontational encounters (D) show that a portraiture encounter can be either brief or extended (E) distinguish a sitting for a photographic portrait from a sitting for a painted portrait. 在文中,作者指出了Cartier-Bresson的观点与Avedon观点不同,因而我们可以从文中提供的两种观点来判定出本题的正确选项为(B),作者援引Cartier-Bresson的目的是为了引出有关创作肖像作品时的另外一种“画者与被画者”之间新的互动观点。 以上几种题型为较为典型的GMAT阅读题型,在考试中的出题频率也很大,掌握以上几种题型的特点以及解题思路对于考生提升阅读的正确率有很大关系,我们建议考生应在实际的阅读中还要自己对这几种题型进一步加深认识才可获得真正的提高。 |