先上机井:不好意思,本人脑子很不好使,JJ很少的说。。。 AWA: AI:12: “Education has become the main provider of individual opportunity in our society. Just as property and money once were the keys to success, education has now become the element that most ensures success in life.” AA:11: “In the first four years that Montoya has served as mayor of the city of San Perdito, the population has decreased and the unemployment rate has increased. Two businesses have closed for each new business that has opened. Under Varro, who served as mayor for four years before Montoya, the unemployment rate decreased and the population increased. Clearly, the residents of San Perdito would be best served if they voted Montoya out of office and reelected Varro.”
RC: 1.毛毛虫生命长度那篇。第一题不一样:问infer:似乎是文中 crystals of polyhedrin protein infer 了啥,我选的infer 了这个东东会吸引虫子来吃(定位:once ingested by a caterpillar....)其他题都是GWD原题。 2.对日本工业评价那篇。只记得日本的管理要求给了工人更多的讨价余地那里有考题,觉得考题有点绕,把讨价余地那句话看明白就成。 3.狂犬病那篇。读到最后一段:(由于记不住,都是copy前人jj原文)recently 发现通过gene而产生的antibodies的vaccine的适用animals更加得多。。。之后是药理过程描述,我是读了三遍才读懂,因为这里有一道题。问哪个对于这种新的vaccine的描述不正确,我选的:这种新的vaccine开始广泛运用于wild animals. 不一定对阿。 主要是读懂那段,然后筛选出答案! 4. 眼球那篇。暂时 没啥可补充的了。 CR: 绞尽脑汁,想起一道( 汗。。。) 到某地旅游的人抱怨当地旅馆价格高,于是当地政府减少了税收的比例,一年后发现所收的税金没有减少,于是得出结论住该地旅馆的人增多了。问assumption。我选的是assume当地的旅馆在这一年中没有大幅度涨价,C选项。 旅馆住宿价格*住宿人数*税收%=税收金额。 这是我的倒数第二道,特意写了公式在题板上,所以记得了。有个E选项很迷惑,但应该不是正确答案。
Math: 带入算了一道:说一个商店,定价20元的某物,可以卖200件(似乎是这个数字,不记得了。。)。每便宜一块钱,多卖10件,问价格为多少时,卖得总价最高?选项是18,17,16,15,14。应该是列个公式吧,但我一着急就不知道怎么列了,带入算的是15。 |