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[讨论]MBA,DBA & PHD 的区别与联系

Q: Today, when I asked a first year MBA, "if the placement of the MBA is not good, can I continue my education for another two years and got a doctor degree?"
He reply: no, you have to reapply for DBA and complete another 4-5 years' education to get a DBA?
I am just puzzled. Doesnot 2 years MBA + 2 Years further education = a DBA or PHD?
what the relationship among those three degrees?

A: Firstly, you may take DBA and PhD as the same. Even though several schools, like Harvard, still provide both DBA and PhD, most people will not look at them differently.
Secondly, MBA and DBA/PhD are definitely different. Perhaps the only common ground is that they all accept GMAT :=) MBA is for those who would like to go into industry, while DBA/PhD is to train teachers and researchers. MBA and DBA/PhD are different programs in b-schools. You cannot transfer freely from one to another.

[Doesnot 2 years MBA + 2 Years further education = a DBA or PHD?]
To understand this point, you may first take a look at the US graduate education system, which is very different from ours. In US graduate education, Master is usually for those going to industry (even though there are some masters by research); while PhD is for research. If you are interested in research, you can apply PhD directly after your bachelor study. On the other hand, even you already have a related master degree, (theoretically speaking) you don't have any advantages over those bachelor guys in the PhD study. So, you still have to spend four or five years if you wanna to continue PhD after MBA.fficeffice" />

[Q]: I am an international, with a MS in Eng and 8 yrs W/E. I am a new admit to a top 10 MBA program. I have set my post MBA career goals to goto industry. And the MBA program which accepted me is expecting me to achieve these goals. I mean I should have (and I have now) clear career goals by now. My question is that what if during the MBA program I change my mind and decide to go to academia instead of industry and want to go for a PhD degree at the same Business school. Of course I know very well that an MBA and a PhD are very different and an MBA is not a substitute for a PhD degree. But what if I develop interests in research and teaching after I start my MBA program?Would the MBA program welcome this change of career interests? Is it too uncommon for an MBA student to change program and go for a PhD degree at the same business school? Would they require me to go through the entire PhD application process? Or, would the school tell me to finish the MBA program first and then aplly for the PhD?

[A]: At least at my school, the MBA and PhD programs are totally separate. I think that's true at most places. Having an MBA from the school would not really help your application to the PhD program -- the only way it might help is if an MBA prof really liked you and wrote one of your letters, since obviously he'll know people on the committee (or may actually be on it himself!). The MBA coursework would not in any way reduce your coursework as a PhD student -- the classes are very different. If you decided to apply next year (e.g. during the 1st year of your MBA), no one would tell you you had to finish your MBA -- it would be your own decision. Again, the two processes are completely separate. The PhD folks would surely want to know why you went after an MBA and why you were stopping early. If you're not really committed to research/teaching, I'd advise you to stick to the MBA course. The two programs, and the two resulting lifestyles, are like chalk and cheese.

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THANKS. that confused me so long! [em02]






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