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OG11 110

"Fast" cycle time is a strategy of designing a manufactuing organization to eliminate bottlenecks and delays in production.Not only does it speed up production, but it also ensures quality. The reason is that bottlenecks and delays cannot be eliminated unwell all work is done at the first time.

The claim about quality made above rests on a questionable presupposition that_____________.

the correct answer is A

A any flaw in work on a product would cause a bottleneck or delay and so would be prevented from occurring on a "fast cycle" production line.

The reasonging provided by ETS is : What questionable assumption is the basis for the claim about ensured quality? The argument assumes that any problem with a product would cause a bottleneck or a delay in production. It is entirely possible that there might be flaws that might not cause such problems; thus , the assumption is questionable.

我实在是没有想通The argument assumes that any problem with a product would cause a bottleneck or a delay in production.这个assumption 是怎么得出来得。


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i see , thanks !!!!!!!!


文章最后一句话说 商品稀缺和延误只有在所有产品都有质量保证的前提下 才能被消除

这也就是说如果质量没有保证就会导致商品稀缺和延误 (逆否命题)这里就存在质疑 商



选项将flaw与all work is done right 结合起来



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