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134. Caterpillars of all species produce an identical hormone called "juvenile hormone" that maintains feeding behavior. Only when a caterpillar has grown to the right size for pupation to take place does a special enzyme halt the production of juvenile hormone. This enzyme can be synthesized and will, on being ingested by immature caterpillars, kill them by stopping them from feeding.



Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the view that it would not be advisable to try to eradicate agricultural pests that go through a caterpillar stage by spraying croplands with the enzyme mentioned above?

(A) Most species of caterpillar are subject to some natural predation.

(B) Many agricultural pests do not go through a caterpillar stage.

(C) Many agriculturally beneficial insects go through a caterpillar stage.

(D) Since caterpillars of different species emerge at different times, several sprayings would be necessary. C

(E) Although the enzyme has been synthesized in the laboratory, no large-scale production facilities exist as yet.

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Only when a caterpillar has grown to the right size for pupation to take place a special enzyme halts the production of juvenile hormone


我认为理解advisable是关键,advisable的解释是,something advisable should be done in order to avoid problems or risks.这里的就是指eradicate agriculturally beneficial insects吧


 to take place似乎应该放在only when从句的最后面。我觉得这样看得明白一些。


自己的问题忘了写了:题干中 Only when a caterpillar has grown to the right size for pupation to take place does a special enzyme halt the production of juvenile hormone.  做题略读的时候这句的大概意思能懂,但是回头细读的时候被这句的结构给弄糊涂了。

请教nn这句正常顺序是不是这样:A special enzyme halt the production of juvenile hormone to take place only when a caterpillar has grown to the right size for pupation?






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