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[转帖]12/5 高雄二战 M50 V36 Total 710 少量JJ及经验分享




1.      有一题考六边型(hexagon)的,给你它一边的边长,求它的面积。



2. (473.) 有一道集合题,个人觉得比较麻烦,当时放了。大概是说,总人数500人,参加A活动的有56%,参加B活动由48%,参加C活动的36%。条件,参加A B10%,参加BC14%,问参加C但是没有参加AB的至多有多少人。具体的题目记得不是非常清楚了,但是印象很深它是问了至多有多少人。建议大家 把集合的计算好好看看,有时候这类题还是比较绕。









cent Stalking: Parasitic vine grows toward tomato odor

Susan Milius

A wiry orange vine finds plants to raid for nutrients by growing toward their smell, researchers report.

One of the parasitic plants called dodders responds to volatile compounds wafting off nearby plants and shows preferences for certain species, says Consuelo De Moraes of Pennsylvania State University in University Park. They say that their new work marks the first time that anyone has shown that a plant will grow toward airborne chemicals from other plants.

The experiment finally identifies a cue—scent—that draws dodder to its victims, adds Mark C. Mescher, also of Penn State.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture lists dodder among the country's 10 worst weeds. When a dodder seed sprouts, it doesn't grow roots. All its energy goes into a tendril that shoots out in search of plants to tap for water and nutrients. If it's going to survive, it must latch on to a victim within about a week. The vine grows into a spaghetti tangle and can attack multiple plants, stunting their growth but not killing them.

Of the 150 species of dodder, the researchers selected Cuscuta pentagona, says coauthor Justin Runyon, also of Penn State. This species bedevils tomato growers in California, where it costs them an estimated $4 million a year in reduced yields.

De Moraes' team and other researchers have studied the volatile compounds released by plants that are mauled by caterpillars or other pests. In the new study, reported in the Sept. 29 Science, the team took a different point of view, looking at how an attacker, the dodder, takes advantage of volatiles to target its prey.

At first, the researchers set various possible targets several centimeters from dodder sprouts. A pot of moist soil alone didn't attract the seedlings, nor did vials of dyed water that created colored light. But a pot with a young tomato plant, and even a cup of perfume made of tomato volatiles, did attract the seedlings

To minimize any confounding cues, such as shading or light, the researchers then set the possible attractants in chambers connected to the plant by curving pipes. Again, the seedlings grew toward the scent.

Testing various victim species, the researchers found that dodder grows toward impatiens and tomatoes. Wheat won't sustain dodder well, and given a choice, parasite seedlings shunned it and grew toward tomatoes.

When researchers tested seven ingredients in the tomato perfume individually, three of them proved attractive to the dodder. One of those attractants showed up in wheat, but the wheat perfume also contained a substance that repelled the seedlings. Such a repellent might offer a new route for fighting dodder, Mescher speculates.

An insect ecologist who has also studied plant volatiles, Rick Karban of the University of California, Davis comments, "The significance of this [study] to me is that it indicates that without a central nervous system, plants are capable of behaving in ways that appear fairly sophisticated."



























所以我考前三天回到PP,模了一次,M49 V44   Total 750  数学是完全裸考,Verbal这个分数当然是假的,因为我考前已经把所有PPRCCR 还有一半的SC做过了,所以大部分都是重题,但我一样一题一题看完,不会直奔答案,而且我提前6分钟左右做完,(所以对于那些PP全部做完的朋友,在模的时候,可能要再更早一点做完,ex:提前8~10分,这样才比较客观)在我模完之后,我意外的发现一个事实,我M49是错8题,V44也是错8题,这样一样也有750,所以重点是什么,重点是你不要在意你错几题,而是把你该拿的拿到:一题一题拿,是你程度该拿的,就要把它拿下来,超出你程度之外的,就不要贪得,而怎么在考试之前提升自己的capacity,就是努力跟坚持这四字而已!有了这个心态,说穿了,GMAT考试只是一个镜子,你只是去考场把你的程度反应出来,我在考试前两周做题的时候,就开始注意自己做题时的情绪,如果情绪不佳或状况不好,会先把自己调整好再做题,千万千万不要在做题的时候,不知道自己在干嘛,这样只是浪费时间跟题目而已。














Math 是在考前一天把当月的JJ难题算了一遍,因为考前一天算,考Math时,我就有了预期心态,就是算完这题时,会期待下一题出现机经(或是怎么都没有出现机经呢?会不会掉入低分区),这个心态持续了大概四五十分钟,造成分心;但是我考前PP的裸考培养起来的心态跟信心(一题一题做,该拿的就拿,不该拿的就选一个最象样的)让我能够一直做下去,结果考完math之后,JJ只有碰到两道,而且算了一大堆几乎可以秒杀的题目(估计可能有10题左右,所以简单题算太多,也不要担心自己掉入低分区)



Verbal的部分我只看GWD的重题,还有RC的一些用英文post的类似背景知识(这个很有用,我这次碰到一个背景知识快一模一样的考题),中文写的我完全不碰,因为会造成类似math的预期心理,而考verbal时的大忌就是不专心! Verbal我只有碰到那篇背景知识类似的考题,一题GWD都没碰到。

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