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F:We ought not to test the safety of new drugs on sentient animals, such as dogs and rabbits. Our benefit means their pain, and they are equal to us in the capacity to feel pain.

G: We must carry out such tests; otherwise, we would irresponsibly sacrifice the human lives that could have been saved by the drugs.

Which of the following, if true, is the best objection that could be made from F's point of view to counter G's point?

(A) Even though it is not necessary for people to use cosmetics, cosmetics are also being tested on sentient animals.

(B) Medical science already has at its disposal a great number of drugs and other treatments for science illnesses.

(C) It is not possible to obtain scientifically adquate results by testing drugs in the tset tube without making tests on living tissue.

(D) Some of the drugs to be tested would save human beings from great pain.

(E) Many tests now performed on sentient animals can be performed equally well on fertilized chicken eggs that are at a very early stage of development.

 答案是E, 我选的是C。


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你选的C正好是G的观点。“不在活体(动物)上做试验就没法研制新药”——即"We must carry out such tests"



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