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12. GWD25-Q12.

In Kantovia, physicians’ income comes from insurance companies, which require

physicians to document their decisions in treating patients and to justify deviations

from the companies’ treatment guidelines. Ten years ago physicians were allowed

more discretion. Most physicians believe that the companies’ requirements now

prevent them from spending enough time with patients. Yet the average amount of

time a patient spends with a physician during an office visit has actually increased

somewhat over the last ten years.



Which of the following, if true, most helps to resolve the apparent discrepancy between physicians’ perceptions and the change in the actual time spent?



A.    Patients are more likely to be in a hurry nowadays and are less willing to

wait a long time to see their physician.

B.     Physicians today typically have a wider range of options in diagnosis and

treatment to consider with the patient before prescribing.

C.     Physicians are increasingly likely to work in group practices, sharing the

responsibility of night and weekend work.

D.    Most patients would rather trust their physicians than their insurance

companies to make decisions about their treatment.

E.     Since the insurance companies pay physicians a set amount for each

office visit, it is to physicians’ financial advantage to see as many

Patients as possible.

提示答案为B, 但是不理解题意,向大家求教,谢谢

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many  thanks !!!!!!!


我是这么想的,physicians 在门诊时 主要做两件事 : "spend time with the patients" and  "document their decisions in treating patients and to justify deviations from the companies' treatment guidelines"
因为保险公司的要求,physicians 不得不花更多的时间在后者,因此觉得直接诊断病人的时间少了,但是对于病人来说,不论physicians是做前者还是后者都算是“amount of time a patient spends with a physician during an office visit ”的一部分




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