Chicago GSB interview (2007-03-16) I talked to a second year student in Chicago, questions: 1. Please introduce yourself. 2. Why MBA, why Chicago? 3. What do you want to get from a MBA? 4. What other school did you apply? 5. What kind of book are you reading? Why? 6. Introudce Chicago GSB leader ship class. 7. Chat about Chicago GSB clubs
Chicago GSB上海校友面试 今天下午面了chicago,面试的是在强生医药工作的一个校友,帅哥。 1. go through resume 2. LT/ST career goal, why MBA, why Chicago
3. Leadership example 4. define leadership (what's the most important aspect of leadership) 5. talk about the most challenging experiences (life/work) 6. ..... 剩下的时间了解了一下学生生活,他读MBA的收获,找工作情况,以及对准MBA们的建议。
Chicago GSB Alumni Interview The interviewer was 5 mins late, so the whole interview was like 20mins. Questions: 1. Walk me through your resume. 2. Why MBA, why GSB (some questions around here, like why not choose other schools, etc) 3. Why not choose b-schools in HK, Singapore? I didn't feel very well in general, but at least I believe that I hit a few questions..... Good luck!
Chicago Round One Interview Experience I had my alumni interview in Nov, 2006. The interviewer was a very nice Chinese lady. Questions asked were pretty standard ones: 1. Walk me through your resume 2. Why MBA? 3. Why Chicago
4. Leadership experience 5. Teamwork experience 6. Ask me whether I have any questions for her Following the interview, we also chatted in Chinese for a while about life in Chicago, GSB campus, etc.
Chicago Interview Experience Interview Date: Feb 13 Location: Beijing Questions: 1. Introduce yourself 2. Describe your position/ roles in your organization 3. Why MBA (we discussed my short/long term goals for a long time) 4. If your short term goals after graduation can not be achieved, any back-up options do you have in terms of career hunting? 5. Why Chicago 面试约一个多小时,因为校友比较了解我所处的行业,所以我们聊了很多关于行业发展的话题。一些面视问题不是直接问的,而是通过对话自然引出的,如面试官问我是否觉得自己在xxx公司工作的时间太长了,我于是回答了我的想法并引出了why MBA now. 校友非常nice, 大家不要紧张,耐心回答自己的观点就好。建议大家多多练习,把问题准备充分,回答要简洁、清楚。
[原创]我的chicago第二次interview (2006-3-2
) 由于第一次interview不是很合理(见帖子 bad chicago interview experience...),我马上联系了
chicago admission office, 3 天之后,他们回信告诉我,他们也认为interview 的 nature 不合理,并给我安排第二次面试。我在前天完成了这次面试,让我感动的是这一次他们特别为我选了一个非常友好的校友,使得interview 进程非常愉快和顺利。
整个interview 持续了 1个小时40分钟。前一个小时是 Q&A, 后40分钟他推荐了很多chicago 的课程也讲述了很多他的个人经历。他非常鼓励我去美国,并强调没有prior finance knowledge 绝对不会给我造成任何在chicago 学习上的困难。
问题很多,问的很仔细,除了why mba, why Chicago 和resume 有关的问题,其他比较特别的问题有: 1. tell me one of the favorite courses you took in the univerisity 2. do you enjoy working in a environment with pressure? why? 3. there are type 1 error and type 2 error. type 1 refers to the error we make when we try something new and later fail. the type 2 error refers to something we don't try and later reailize that could be a mistake becuase we miss a great opportunity. which one do you like and why? 4. describe any disagreement happened in your working place. 5. your hobbies? 6. have you ever experience any significant failure? 7. describe a (ethics) delimma at your working place 8. describe your understanding of the culture in Chicago
[原创]Chicago interview experience
虽然面试已经过去几天了,但当时的场景仍历历在目。在此与大家分享。 她大概看了一下我的简历,然后开始提问: 1、毕业之后想做什么? 2、你认为自己为什么能胜任你将来想从事的工作?(她不同意我在回答这个问题时提到的一个具体方面,我们交换了一下意见,我没有坚持争论下去) 3、毕业后想留在美国还是回到中国?(我的回答她觉得与我在叙述职业目标时有点冲突,但我给圆过去了) 4、如何处理工作中遇到的冲突? 5、Why Chicago? 6、作为一个leader,你最大的弱点(weakness)是什么,你是如何改进的? 7、作为领导你所需要具备的权威是来自于某个职位赋予你的权利,还是别的什么? 8、回答我的问题。 面试是在一位校友的办公室中进行的。其中三次被电话打断。因为之前只做过电话面试,所以感觉face to face的面试还是有很多不同之处,比如互动会比较多;可能就某一个感兴趣的问题展开问下去。但气氛比较友好,我尽量给出example,她听得挺认真的,有几次还大笑起来。 我被问到的问题并非都做过充分的准备,我觉得也不可能把可能的问题全部准备到。所以临场发挥很重要。要注意逻辑,不要前后矛盾。始终微笑,保持自信,即使碰到非常challeging的问题,也要微笑着应付。