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14. How many seconds will it take for a car that is traveling at a constant rate of 45 miles per hour to travel a distance of 22 yards?  (1 mile = 1,160 yards)


A.     8

B.     9

C.     10

D.     11

E.      12


18. Last year the price per share of Stock X increased by k percent and the earnings per share of Stock X increased by m percent, where k is greater than m.  By what percent did the ratio of price per share to earnings per share increase, in terms of k and m?


A.     k/m %

B.     (k-m) %

C.     [100(k-m)]/(100+k) %

D.     [100(k-m)]/(100+m) %

E.      [100(k-m)]/(100+k+m) %


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100{[(1+ K/100)/(1+M/100)] -1}




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