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GWD 1-39

Which of the following most logically completes the passage below?

Heavy rains during Centralia’s corn planting season prevented some farmers there from planting corn.  It is now the planting season for soybeans, another of Centralia’s principal crops, and those fields originally intended for corn are dry enough for planting.  Nonetheless, even though soybean prices are unusually high at present, the farmers will leave most of these fields empty rather than plant them with soybeans, since ‗‗‗‗‗‗.

  1. the extensive rains have led to an increase in the price of corn

  2. some Centralian farmers anticipate serious financial losses due to the extremely wet spring planting season

  3. chemicals that were used to prepare the fields for corn planting would stunt the growth of soybeans

  4. the majority of Centralia’s corn farmers were able to plant corn as they had intended, despite the wet planting season

  5. many Centralian farmers grow both corn and soybeans

答案为C, 但读完题觉得A和C都可以


答案为C, 但读完题觉得A和C都可以

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A 不可以,文中说even though soybean prices are unusually high at present,可是农民还是不种soybean,说明price不是原因



因为原文中有一句话:“even though soybean prices are unusually high at





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