AA The following editorial appeared in the Elm
City paper. “The construction last year of a shopping mall in downtown Oak
City was a mistake. Since the mall has opened, a number of local businesses have closed, and the downtown area suffers from an acute parking shortage, and arrests for crime and vagrancy have increased in the nearby Oak
Park. Elm
City should pay attention to the example of the Oak
City mall and deny the application to build a shopping mall in Elm
City.”(新题) AI
“If a nation is to ensure its own economic success, it must maintain a highly competitive educational system in which students compete among themselves and against students from other countries.” Math: 考到5道左右的机经题,但考的时候感觉很不好,一个劲的敲脑袋,觉得这回数学毁了,可能只有49了。记得最后一道题问:一个整数,被8除后余数是多少。A. 该数被12除后余5,B.该数被18除后余11。 我选了E. 因为29和65 都满足这两个条件,而被8除后余数分别是5和1。 还有一道题问两个长方形相邻,小的在上面。告诉了大的长方形周长18,小的长方形高为2。问整个图形的周长。 选项里有26、24、22。我选了26。 因为整个图形的周长等于18+2×2+小长方形的宽。因为没告诉小长方形的宽(宽大于高),只能从选项中进行排除,我选了26。应该没错。 RC: 考到了ROI的那篇阅读,比较简单,详见前人机经。 还考到了星球颜色由兰变黄的那篇“某星球的颜色由蓝变黄,科学家推测是它的温度在变化,根据观测的某现象,可以推测它的直径在变大,而它的luminosity保持不变, luminosity应该等于直径乘以温度(这个公式出了一道题),所以由此可知它的温度变了。第二段说,另一个现象是虽然它放射的总的光线不变,但是它
变的更亮了,那是因为在原来的温度,它会放射更多的紫外线,而现在放射了更多的可见光。”题目记得有一个问主旨的。我竟然拿不准,不干扰大家了。 第二篇和第四篇都是新的,怎么都想不起来了,不好意思。 CR:考到好几道机经题,大家多看看有助于理解题意;但是答案我都不确定,大家到了考场还是得自己把握。