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Reims Management School has devoted the tremendous efforts to assist its IMBA candidates in career development.

**        Individual meeting with head hunter companies : Head hunter companies are invited to school to meet with our MBA candidates.  Afterward, the head hunter companies provide the CV of the candidates to the HR of human resources of international renowned companies.  At the same, the head hunter companies are also providing the career guidance to the IMBA candidates. Some of our alumni are recruited through this channel.

**        Workshops on CV, motivation letter and simulation interviews : A series of workshops are organised to prepare our IMBA students presently professionally while in preparation of CV, motivation interviews,..

**        Reims ' IMBA programme focus on personal development: a series personal development courses are delivered during the academic terms such as public speaking, communication, negociation skills.  Reims is one of very few schools which pay attention to personal development courses.  The IMBA training is to train future manager or senior executives.  The personal presentation skill is therefore very important in the career development because it grately distinguish IMBA candidates of Reims differential from the other competitors.

**        March 2005 until March 2006: over 8000 Jobs are received and 10,000 internships are received.

**        Annual enterprise week activities:  We organise each year the enterprises week and over 127 enterprises French and international enterprises are invited to recruit our IMBA alumni on campus in March 2006

**        Strong alumni network: Reims has cultivated over 18,500 alumni in the world.  Reims Alumni network is ranked among the top 4 influential school in France.  For example French Finance Minister is an alumni of Reims, the MD of global human resources of PricewaterHouseCooper is an alumni of Reim, the vice-president of Euro tunnel is an MBA alumni of Reims.   

**        Executive MBA students: we also offer executive MBA programme.  The Executive MBA students are studying and working at the same time.  The executive MBA students have strong business network and this provides a networking opportunity for our IMBA candidates.

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