Math: 50, Verbal: 45 SC碰到不少GWD的原题! 一共找到3题:(三题我选的都是C, 之前都有讨论的,不过第2题意见不太统一) GWD-27-Q18 The Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR) spacecraft will orbit the asteroid Eros for a year, slowly moving closer to the surface of the object to make ever more precise measurements that scientists hope will enable them to understand how the solar system formed some four billion years ago.
A. to make ever more precise measurements that scientists hope will enable them to B. to make ever more and more precise measurements, which scientists are hoping to enable them C. for making ever more precise measurements, and scientists hope that they will be able to D. with the purpose of making more precise measurements than ever, and which scientists hope will enable them to E. in order to make more precise measurements than it ever did, and scientists are hoping they will be able to
GWD-26-Q37 Sound can travel through water for enormous distances, prevented from dissipating its acoustic energy as a result of boundaries in the ocean created by water layers of different temperatures and densities. A. prevented from dissipating its acoustic energy as a result of B. prevented from having its acoustic energy dissipated by C. its acoustic energy prevented from dissipating by D. its acoustic energy prevented from being dissipated as a result of E preventing its acoustic energy from dissipating by
GWD-17-Q33 Doctors hope that one day the body’s master cells, called stem cells, can be directed to grow in organs or tissues appropriate for transplant, use them to test drugs and potentially toxic chemicals, and may study them to gain insight into basic human biology. A. transplant, use them to test drugs and potentially toxic chemicals, and may study them B. transplant, using them to test drugs and potentially toxic chemicals, and studied C. transplant, used to test drugs and potentially toxic chemicals, and studied D. a transplant, use them for testing drugs and potentially toxic chemicals, and for studying E. a transplant, used to test drugs and potentially toxic chemicals, and may study them
RC: 我也碰到了Cartel的文章,还是第一篇阅读!
第一段:Cartel的目的是控制商品在市场上的数量来达到防止出现过低价格的现象。有两种Cartel, private Cartel 和government Cartel. 现在Cartel的实行比较失败,专家们觉得private Cartel不能很好地实行quota制(应该是配额的意思吧)。作者却指出,government Cartel 在restrict supply上也困难重重。 第二段: 作者提出了一个alternate strategy. 他说某国的政府之前对农民产米也是实行restrict supply的方法,可是农民很不满意。后来,政府改变做法,采取了收购"excess supply"的方法(第一题的考题就是问什么是excess supply, 答案是当市场上出现这个数量的supply时,商品的价格就会变低),结果农民收入有保障,政府也达到目的,没有让市场上出现米过盛的情况。
第二个问题是问第二段的作用是什么,这题比较阴险,一个选项是provide an alternate strategy 来解决第一段中提到的不能解决的问题。还有一个选项是provide an alternate strategy for the two kinds of Cartels.后面这个是有问题的,因为第二段其实是在集中讨论government Cartel!
我的另外三篇阅读分别是德国的失业政策,文艺复兴女性地位和GWD的鸟类祖先。 CR: 最后一题是CR,所以印象比较深 一个新产品在超市上架,为了有successful sale, 或者是放在超市显眼的位置,或者是顾客会主动去寻找该商品。The customer will seek out the product only if is heavily advertised on TV 或者在press agency 上有广告。And one way to have a prominent place in the supermarket is to advertise on trade journal. 题目问根据上面的信息,下面哪个说法是对的。其实所有的选项都是在这个Only if 和one way的区别上绕,我选的是如果一个产品不放在supermarket的prominent place, 同时也觉得在电视上做广告太贵,then if it does not advertise on press agency, its sales are not likely to be successful (something like that). AWA: AA 是第40题,The country of Sacchar can best solve its current trade deficit problem by lowering the price of sugar. AI是第130题,When judging the qualifications of potential emloyees, business employer should rely primarily on objective information. |