GWD-25-Q13-Q15 songbirds筑巢的成功率 GWD24-passage two抑制通货膨胀必然导致经济衰退么
语法gwd有几道, gmatprep 有2道 具体的忘了 AI 公司的成功在于工人感到满意和安全那个
AA 提高邮票价格来改进那道
刷了, 知道高多少 ,有1加仑paint,好象问paint够不够1)屋子长多少2)每平方用paint
工厂制造p与q 这2种产品.第一年p占(p+q)的 10percent; 第二年 p产量上升,q 没变, 这年p的产量占
所有产品(p与q)总和的 20 percent, 然后给了这2年的总数(具体的望了,好象是2000) 问第2年p上升了多少
一个2位数的 positive integer x , 被7除余5, 问x是什么?1)x可被4整除 2)x小于50
Electronic computer chips made of tiny silicon wafers now regularly contain millions if electronic switches. Unfortunately, electronic switches that are this small cannot withstand intense radiation. Micro-Mechanics plans to produce a chip that, because it uses only microscopic mechanical switches, will be invulnerable to radiation damage. The switches will, however, be slower than electronic switches and the chip will contain only 12,000 switches.
For there to be a market for Micro-Mechanics’ chip as a result of the apparent advantage described above, each of the following would have to be true EXCEPT:
- There will be applications in which the speed attainable by an electronic switch is not essential.
- Switches used on electronic chips that contain only 12,000 switches are more vulnerable to radiation damage than the switches on Micro-Mechanics’ chip will be.
- There will be applications for computer chips in environments where the chips may have to survive intense radiation.
- Some devices in which computer chips will be used will have other components that will be able to function during or after exposure to radiation.
- Manufacturers are able to protect electronic computer chips against exposure to intense radiation, where this protection is necessary.