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Test 22–III—19

Of all the houses in the city’s historic district, the house that once belonged to the Tyler family is the most famous by far. Since the historic district is the most famous district in the city, the Tyler house must be the city’s most famous house.
   The flawed reasoning the argument above most closely parallels the flawed one in which one of the following?
A)        Of all the peaks in the costal mountain range, Mount Williams is the tallest. Since the tallest peaks in the entire region are in the costal mountain range, Mount Williams must be the region’s tallest peak.
B)        Tobacco smoking is the behavior most likely to cause lung cancer among in people. Since more tobacco is smoked in Greene County than anywhere else in the world, there must be more lung cancer in Greene County than anywhere else
C)        Susan Coleman is the oldest of the three children in her family. Since the three Coleman children are each older than any of the other children who live in their building. Susan Coleman must be the oldest child now live in the building.
D)        Of all the fish stores in the harbors area, Miller’s fish market has the most exotic selection of fish. Since there are many more fish stores in the harbor area than anywhere else in the city, Miller’s fish market must have the most exotic selection of fish in the city.
E)        Of all the flowers grown in the university’s botanical garden, the Oakland roses are the most beautiful. Since the university’s botanical garden is the most beautiful botanical garden in the region, the Oakland roses grown in the garden must be the most beautiful flowers grown in the entire region.

答案是E, C有何不妥?


to bessette

[此贴子已经被zyh79于2002-11-16 11:07:16编辑过]


以下是引用bessette在2002-10-27 17:05:55的发言:
principle: good => benefit + good intention
           bad intention OR likely cause harm => bad

A: intention( attempt to cause trouble) => bad
   benefit + bad intention => not good (bad) 这是应用第一个原则的等价原则(逆否命题) 

(A) Pamela wrote a letter attempting to cause trouble between Edward and his friends; this action of Pamela’s was morally bad, even though the letter, in fact, had an effect directly opposite from the one intended

A不是符合bad intention OR likely cause harm => bad吗?

"even though the letter, in fact, had an effect directly opposite from the one intended"是什么意思啊



to zyh79,



test1-section IV-25
25. All of the best comedians have had unhappy childhoods. Yet, many people who have had happy childhoods are good comedians, and some good comedians who have had miserably unhappy childhoods are happy adults.

If the statements in the passage are true, which one of the following CANNOT be true?(A)

(A) The proportion of good comedians who had unhappy childhoods is greater than the proportion of the best comedians who did.
(B) Some good comedians have had unhappy childhoods and are unhappy adults.
(C) Most of the best comedians are happy adults.
(D) More good comedians have had unhappy childhoods than have had happy childhoods.
(E) The proportion of comedians who are happy adults is higher than the proportion who are unhappy adults




to zyh79,









to zyh79,

Many people change their wills on their own every few years, in response to significant changes in their personal or financial circumstances. This practice can create a problem foe the executor when these people are careless and do not date their wills: the executor will then often know neither which one of several undated wills is the most recent, nor whether the will drawn up last has ever been found. Therefore, people should not only date their wills but also state in any new will which will it supersedes, for then there would not be a problem to begin with.

The reasoning in the argument is flawed because the argument

(A) treats a partial solution to the stated problem as though it were a complete solution.

(B) Fails to distinguish between prevention of a problem and successful containment of the adverse effects that the problem might cause.

(C) Proposes a solution to the stated problem that does not actually solve the problem but merely makes someone else responsible for solving the problem.

(D) Claims that a certain action would be a change for the better without explicitly considering what negative consequences the action might have.

(E) Proposes that a certain action be based on information that would be unavailable at the time proposed for that action.


A physician who is too through in conducting a medical checkup is likely to subject the patient to the discomfort and expense of unnecessary tests. One who is not thorough enough is likely to miss some serious problem and therefore give the patient a false sense of security. It is difficult for physicians to judge exactly how thorough they should be. Therefore, it is generally unwise for patients to have medical checkups when they do not feel ill.

1. Which one of the following, if true, would most seriously weaken the argument in the passage?

(A) Some serious diseases in their early stages have symptoms that physicians can readily detect.

(B) Under the pressure of reduced reimbursements, physicians have been reducing the average amount of time they spend on each medical checkup.

(C) Patients not medically trained are unable to judge foe themselves what degree of thoroughness is appropriate for physicians in conducting medical checkups.

(D) Many people are financially unable to afford regular medical checkups.

(E) Some physicians sometimes exercise exactly the right degree of thoroughness in performing a medical checkup.

我看不出A是怎么削弱的,难道题目假设Some serious diseases in their early stages是感觉不出来吗?







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