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15."Seeking Last Group...."最近几天的帖子里有关于这道的题的讨论,你可看一下。
C. 说demonstrate(证实)是不准确的,题干只是通过说过去一个相似的提案没有达到预期目的,来 argue现在这个提案也会不成功。

20.也请你参考一下"Seeking Last Group...."最近几天的帖子里redli提到的问题和讨论。



Economist: Some policymakers believe that our country’s continued economic growth requires a higher level of personal savings than we currently have. A recent legislative proposal would allow individuals to set up savings accounts in which interest earned would be exempt from taxes until money is withdrawn from the account. Backers of this proposal claim that its implementation would increase the amount of money available for banks to loan at a relatively small cost to the government in lost tax revenues. Yet, when similar tax-incentive programs were tried in the past, virtually all of the money invested through them was diverted from other personal savings, and the overall level of personal savings was unchanged.

14. The passage as a whole provides the most support for which one of the following conclusions?

15. The author criticizes the proposed tax-incentive program by

(A) challenging a premise on which the proposal is based

(B) pointing out a disagreement among policymakers

(C) demonstrating that the proposal’s implementation is not feasible

(D) questioning the judgment of the proposal’s backers by citing past cases in which they had advocated programs that have proved ineffective

(E) disputing the assumption that a program to encourage personal savings is needed

15题的答案是A, 但为什么不是C呢? 请指点!

Saunders: Everyone at last week's neighborhood association meeting agreed that the row of abandoned and vandalized houses on Cariton Street posed a threat to the safety of our neighborhood. Moreover, no one now disputes that getting the houses torn down eliminated that threat. Some people tried to argue that it was unnecessary to demolish what they claimed were basically sound buildings, since the city had established a fund to help people in need of housing buy and rehabilitate such buildings. The overwhelming success of the demolition strategy, however, proves that the majority, who favored demolition, were right and that those who claimed that the problem could and should be solved by regabilitating the houses were wrong.

20. Which one of the following principles, if established would determine that demolishing the houses was the right decision or instead would determine that the proposal advocated by the opponents of demolition should have been adopted?

B. when there are two proposals for solving a neighborhood problem, and only one of them would preclude the possibility of trying the other approach if the first proves unsatisfactory, then the approach that does not foreclose the other possibility should be the one adopted.



22. The 1980's have been characterized as a period of selfish individualism that threatens the cohesion of society这里说的selfish 指的是个人的自私自利
selfish concern for the human species的selfish指的是人类整体的自私

E是明显错误的,题干中没有提到谁是claim to represent the will of people.


22. The 1980's have been characterized as a period of selfish individualism that threatens the cohesion of society. But this characterization is true of any time. Throughout history all human actions have been motivated by selfishness. When the deeper implications are considered. even the simplest "unselfish" acts prove to be instances of selfish concern for the human species.

Which one of the following is a flaw in the argument?

(A) The claim that selfishness has been present throughout history is not actually relevant to the argument.

(B) No statistical evidence is provided to show that humans act selfishly more often than act unselfishly.

(C) The argument assumes that selfishness is unique to the present age.

(D) The argument mentions only humans and does not consider the behavior of other species.

(E) The argument relies on two different uses of the term selfish.

Why E?


11. It is even more important that we criticize democracies that have committed human rights violations than that we criticize dictatorships that have committed move violent human rights offenses. Human rights violations are always inexcusable, but those committed by governments that represent the will of the people are even more reprehensible than those committed by dictators. Further our criticism is more likely to have an effect on the former than on the later.

Which one of the following is a proper inference from the passage?

(A) All government commit same inexcusable and reprehensible acts.

(B) Some human rights violations are more reprehensible than other, more violent human rights violations.

(C)Criticism of human rights violations is certain to have no effect on a dictatorship.

(D)Human rights violations are more likely to occur in democracies than in dictatorship

(E)Those who do represent the will of the people are less likely to be moved by criticism than are those who merely claim to represent the will of the people.

Even I ended to choose E, but I really don't know why?




could u please tell me where I can find LSAT downloading?



Of all the peaks in the costal mountain range, Mount Williams is the tallest. Since the tallest peaks in the entire region are in the costal mountain range

按照题干的逻辑结论应该是 Mount Williams is the tallest in the costal mountain region , 而不是 Mount Williams must be the region’s tallest peak。



to Louisa_xy:
事实上,如果按C的论证思路,就不存在flaw reasoning了


to zyh79,谢谢!



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