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LSAT TEST1 SECTION1 NO。17,答案是A,我选的是B。关键是从题目中,没办法看出A中所谓的rob the human race
17. The peculiar evil of silencing the expression of an opinion is that it robs the human race. It takes from posterity, as well as the existing generation, and from those who dissent from the opinion even more than from those who hold it. If the opinion is right, they are deprived of the opportunity of exchanging error for truth; if it is wrong, they lose what is almost as great a benefit: the clearer perception and livelier impression of truth, produced by its collision with error.
Which one of the following best expresses the conclusion presented in the argument?
(A) Silencing the expression of an opinion is robbing the human race.
(B) Silencing the expression of an opinion harms those who dissent more than those who agree.
(C) Anyone who agrees with an opinion would not want to silence its expression.
(D) Gaining a clearer perception and livelier impression of truth is a great benefit.
(E) The greatest benefit is the opportunity of exchanging truth for error.

TEST1 SECTION4 NO。18,答案是E,我选的是D。题目就不太懂。
If the artificial is not better than the natural, to what end are all the arts of life? To dig, to plow, to build, to wear clothes—all are direct violations of the injunction to follow nature.
18. If the author’s argument were challenged on the grounds that the construction of buildings has adverse effects on the natural environment, which of the following replies might the author use to respond to the challenge logically?
(A) There are human activities, such as making music, that are environmentally harmless.
(B) Harming the environment is not an end, of purpose, of the arts of life.
(C) The construction could involve the use of natural, not artificial, materials.
(D) Constructing buildings is not an “art of life.”
(E) Even if the natural environment is disturbed by the construction of buildings, it is improved for human use.

22. It is illogical to infer a second and different effect from a cause which is known only by one particular effect. This is incorrect because the inferred effect must necessarily be produced by some different characteristic of the cause than is the observed effect, which already serves entirely to describe the cause.
Which one of the following arguments makes the same logical error as the one described by the author in the passage?
(A) An anonymous donor gave a thousand dollars to our historical society. I would guess that that individual also volunteers at the children’s hospital.
(B) The radioactive material caused a genetic mutation, which, in turn, caused the birth defect. Therefore, the radioactive material caused the birth defect.
(C) The tiny, unseen atom is the source of immense power. It must be its highly complex structure that produces this power.
(D) The city orchestra received more funds from the local government this year than ever before. Clearly this administration is more civic-minded than previous ones.
(E) If I heat water, which is a liquid, it evaporates. If I heat hundreds of other liquids like water, they evaporate. Therefore, if I heat any liquid like water, it will evaporate







the choice of A compares the proportion the two kinds of comedians. According to the passage, the proportion of the best comedians who had unhappy childhood is 1 because all of the best guys have had unhappy childhoods. So choice of A is right.


请问哪里可以下载到LAST题? 我看到论坛中说17个sections.但是我找不到这些题。


Test 2 section II
11. “If the forest continues to disappear at its present pace, the koala will approach extinction,” said the biologist.
“So all that is needed to save the koala is to stop deforestation,” said the politician.
Which one of the following statements is consistent with the biologist’s claim but not with the politician’s claim?
(A) Deforestation continues and the koala becomes extinct.
(B) Deforestation is stopped and the koala becomes extinct.
(C) Reforestation begins and the koala survives.
(D) Deforestation is slowed and the koala survives.
(E) Deforestation is slowed and the koala approaches extinction.


I think the answer is A.

From Stem, If D, then E (biologist)

From A: Deforestation continues and the koala becomes extinct
i.e. If D, then E

From Stem: Politician:  if ~D, then ~E which is closer to

(C) Reforestation begins and the koala survives.
(D) Deforestation is slowed and the koala survives. (if S,then ~E;assuming S=~D)

B and D is not mentioned in the stem:

(B) Deforestation is stopped and the koala becomes extinct.
If ~D,then E
(D) Deforestation is slowed and the koala survives.

If S, then E

Even if S is eqivalent to ~D, If ~D, then E is still not consistent with the biologist







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