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1.2.2.        美国的苹果业**
感谢 pudding1990, sunflower82 & echosweet 700
文言文 Golden 自行确认,数字都对口了=。=
V1 2009-11 XOXO简易版阅读(推荐)
1P 说从1890 到1930年(年数有可能不对)苹果的交易发生方式发生变化了,一开始,果农和buyer是face to face由生產者賣給消費者, 到这段时间的末期,加洲果农有了大量的甚么东西(类似于订单之类的,有一题的迷惑选项提到了这个),开始变得很强大,苹果都是加州生产,然后贩卖到各州。他们的产品卖的很远了。由于什么原因,出了个什么Act(对这个act的产生原因有细节题),使果农不受anti-trust法控制。一个甚么机构就要对这些运输的产品做检查(题目,1890年和1930年交易方式有甚么不一样了。我选了果农不能直接把东西卖给buyer了。那个迷惑选项是果农的订单变少了) 之后出台了一个甚么法规,保护这种交易的公平性
2P苹果的质量变得不好。如果顾客发现苹果质量不好,果农和分销商都有责任;可能苹果质量本身不好,也可能是运输中损坏了苹果。这台法规的出现,有2个原因,一个认为能够增加grower的控制市场的能力。举了个例子,就像一个××Act能让manufacture manipulate price一样(题目,提到这个另一个法规的意思是) 第二个原因 怎么样。接着作者对这个法规的作用提出了质疑(好像也有2点),就是卖家说质量好,但是买家说质量不好,(题目,会有甚么推卸责任的)这样就有人钻这个空子(卖质量不好的苹果),然后扯皮,贿赂官员。所以呢就出来了这些个机构出来调节这些个纠纷,然后这个整个苹果业就越来越规范了。后面这个第二点就是说起纠纷了有题,就问下面哪个situation是符合这个情况的,就是大家看的时候要注意细节这里的。


1.2.        History

1.2.1.        法国革命**
V1 Scarlettma
说法国革命以后 生产下降了,人口下降了,反正什么都不好了,马上有个人反驳了这个人还叫weir,然后他说其实各种指标都是不降反升的,但是因为农民怕political crisis所以不敢卖,有一题选项我就选了这个。
第二段就说了另外一个问题了 说到tax什么的,有点看不懂是什么意思,但是大概感觉是支持weir的。
1 第二段是什么作用

文言文 nowwsy 已确认
1 主旨题:Discuss the causes of French Revolution
2 作者同意哪个原因:人口成长
3 infer那些说tax illegal的人会怎么做
4 细节题,问造成粮食价格上升的原因:(文中说是因为 farmer ..not market grain...因为政治原因,但选项中没有直接说政治原因的):farmer retain 他们并不急需的grains



V2 super甲 V36

V3 rainrooney 720 V38
第二段:说那些survived的independent bookstore也开始针对地方特色进行装修(有一题问作者suggest什么,我觉得根据这个survived可以推出independent bookstore居于劣势地位之类的)。


1.1.19.        图书生产与销售
V1 66小丫头
文章很短(reference: 最美的夏天)
第一段:说的是传统book-chain 是和region 什么都是没有关系的,但是新的survey发现还是有地方特色的。举了几个例子,什么hawii Oeren(有题)
第二段:说independent bookstore也很struggle 采取了什么方法的


1.1.18.        电力公司投资
V1 shishin (是古文,但是没有考出来)


文言文 Golden 基本自行确认
第一段,讲说很多公司都很重视品牌的建设,因为他们认为brand recognition很重要,所以会投钱做广告,搞marketing之类的。但是recent的调查表明,很多在去年接受调查时很brand loyal的受访消费者今年已经不再brand loyal了。(为什么会这样呢)
第二段,说是现在信息爆炸、因特网什么的,所以消费者可以分清很多产品的好坏,不用迷信品牌。他们也很欢迎针对产品质量的试验,降低他们的“chance risk”(好像是这个词,后面还考了这个词的意思,我选的是购买不了解的产品的风险)


1.1.17.        品牌认知度**
V1 aprilarchy 710
关于brand recognition
第一段说一项调查 half of surveyed people said they were loyal to a brand are no longer more this year. (有考题)
第二段肯定这个调查的结果,说现在人们获得information的渠道越来越多,报纸,杂志都有很多对于product 的专业评论,people are more likely to experiment the product, 因为多渠道的信息让他们可以take chances of far less (maggie520 updated) risking
第三段是说这种现象对很多行业都有影响,举例到贴牌加工的,所以消费者不会愿意pay high price for 本质上一样的商品(有个一infer的题)
1 take chances  的infer题:人们purchase unfamiliar product(购买不了解的产品)的风险,或者类似选项
2 marketing 策略
3 innovation是不是还管用


1.1.16.        ★公司选址 (GWD原题)
V1 satsumakiwi
Q24~Q25: GWD32-Q13-Q14
Manufacturing site location is an important consideration in determining the optimal deployment of a firm’s production resources, but one that is usually given only limited attention. Decisions about location are often based purely on quantitative analyses (reference: syle) that trade off transportation costs, economies of scale, and other cost-based variables. This practice, however, can lead to suboptimal results, as decision-makers tend to focus only on easily quantifiable factors. A further disadvantage of strictly cost-based methods is that they tend to focus on cost advantage factors, which are often transitory Government regulations, tax systems, and exchange rates can quickly change. Strategies based on such parameters may eventually be rendered obsolete by the very factors that first created an advantage.
In contrast, qualitative issues (reference: syle), which are frequently neglected in choosing manufacturing site locations, are often central to creating and supporting a competitive advantage. For example, the level of skill possessed by the local workforce varies with location; consequently, location can affect the ability of firms to implement skill-based process technologies. When formulating a site location strategy, companies should therefore emphasize qualitative factors to ensure that the chosen strategy supports the company’s overall business strategy. Only after establishing a set of desirable location options should companies refine choices using cost-based factors.
Q13. The passage suggests which of the following concerning qualitative methods used in choosing manufacturing sites?
A.    They are more likely than are quantitative methods to identify issues crucial to maintaining a competitive advantage
B.    They are least useful to companies with relatively low levels of manufacturing technology
C.    They have little value when applied to decisions other than choice of site
D.    They are more risky for decision makers than are quantitative methods
E.    They are used more frequently by multinational corporations than by companies with strictly domestic operations.
Q14. According to the passage, analysis of quantitative factors is best used for which of the following?
A.    Determining strategies for offsetting qualitative disadvantages in manufacturing site locations
B.    Evaluating manufacturing site-location parameters affecting long-term competitive advantage
C.    Choosing manufacturing site locations that have access to optimal workforce populations
D.    Narrowing manufacturing site-location options arrived it through qualitative analysis
E.    Making decisions about business considerations other than location of manufacturing sites
30. GWD21-Q30:
In the past, most children who went sledding in the winter snow in Verland used wooden sleds with runners and steering bars.  Ten years ago, smooth plastic sleds became popular; they go faster than wooden sleds but are harder to steer and slow.  The concern that plastic sleds are more dangerous is clearly borne out by the fact that the number of children injured while sledding was much higher last winter than it was ten years ago.
Which of the following, if true in Verland, most seriously undermines the force of the evidence cited?
A.    A few children still use traditional wooden sleds.
B.    Very few children wear any kind of protective gear, such as helmets, while sledding.
C.    Plastic sleds can be used in a much wider variety of snow conditions than wooden sleds can.
D.    Most sledding injuries occur when a sled collides with a tree, a rock, or, another sled.
E.    Because the traditional wooden sled can carry more than one rider, an accident involving a wooden sled can result in several children being injured.
考題把(C)選項改寫,我記得答案變成Plastic sleds比較便宜,許多人願意購買使用。


1.1.15.        内部交易
V1 mawangye
INSIDE TRADER:首先介绍了什么是金融市场里交易员。接着介绍了股票市场交易的背景, 简单讲了交易员是怎样或根据什么信息做出判断的。接着再说INSIDE 的交易员是怎么工作的,他们有一些可以比大众前得到信息的优势,可是使他们得到更多的利润。然后文章提到了一个石油公司,用这个公司举例明确的说明了内部交易员如何获利。这样就涉及了违规造作或着舞弊行为以及职业操守。 最后讲,公司喜欢聘请什么样的人当内部交易员,也采用了奖金和工资机制来限制这些内部交易员舞弊和不能损害到公司的利益。
1. 主旨题
2. 细节题关于那个石油公司的什么。不难
3. 对于公司聘请新内部交易员的定位
4. 对于舞弊和违规操作的细节问题


1.1.14.        生产平滑模型
V1 darkchoco 710
production-smoothing models(生产平滑模型) ,一屏
第二段:有利用aggregation data(好像是这两个词)的研究表明,生产平滑模型是无效的。这里有题,问作者提到aggregation data为了说明什么。



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