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1、主旨题:main purpose好像是一个theory并支持它。
2、问「 If hunting evidence are small, then the collecting evidence is nonexistent.」这句话被作者拿来做什么用?


[我补充原JJ的文章结构: P1是引出topic2是作者摆出了两个challenge保守主义者的问题, 这个十种并没那么危险的物种就在第二个problem处; P3是作者进一步摆出了两个challenge保守主义者的问题]
答案是他们拥有的resource 比required的要少
3、main idea: a. A discussion inherented problem
              b. explanation phenomenon
[我选了debate那个, 因为文章里第3段开头提到controversy]


1.4.6 广告2   model
[广告的效用 :第一种理论:评判广告的效用应该看对需求sales的影响;第二种理论:hierarchical model,中间的因素促进消费也很重要。Hierarchical模型]
第一段:当时传统的人们为, 广告要起作用的话, 必须要通过不断影响消费者, 促使其购买产品。如何评价advertisement的effectiveness呢?第一句说了one view,是直接评价advertisement的投入和产出(input and marketing/sales),但另外有人提出广告其实可以是建立一个model来分步 (stage) 分析advertisement在每一步的effectiveness, 在真正有demand之前,还有一些步骤如brand awareness之类的东西,所以就有第二种衡量广告的多层model,并建议用hierarchical 模型来对消费者进行渗透影响。传统的广告model只重视广告与销售的关系,也就是广告的费用和带来的销售增长之间的关系,而新的广告model则表明广告不仅仅和销售有关系,广告的目标是通过影响中间阶段来影响最终需求,中间阶段也就是那些消费者没有受到广告刺激时到接受广告之后作出消费决策这一阶段。
[有一篇广告题,说有两种广告模式的理论,一种老的说广告必须直接影响sales,广告的效应应该用需求、直接产生的销售来衡量(说广告的效果要看花费与促成消费的数字的比值来计算);另一种说把影响渠道分成了好多级traditional hierarchical model,每一层的影响都可以衡量广告的效应,而不仅仅是最后一层--需求、销售量的变化。


虽然ozone里面organic的气体有大概一半都是汽车尾气排放的,但是安装了clean engine就能减少50%的污染,其实最影响环境的是工业气体。现在有两种方法治理工厂污染:1用一种过滤方法air filter,但是这种方法有缺陷,因为它只能过滤少量气体,气体量太大就saturated了(有考点)。2燃烧,因为有很多气体是没有完全燃烧的,所以也造成了污染,然后工厂就加入了天然气使得它能燃烧的充分一点,但是这也不能减低废弃的排放,会产生by-product副产品,H气体和C气体。然后说有个荷兰的公司新研发了一种新的装置,说了点优点,是和ozone反应,总之跟其他的相比然还好,虽然不能完全解决问题,也产生by-product气体,但是不多,可以忽略,还是会让情况有所好转。
1、air filter这个方法有什么缺陷,我选了只能small scale[有一题air filter的缺点,就是过滤大量气体的时候会被堵塞]


1.4.4 加拿大铁路
第一段: 19世纪初加拿大修了一条贯通东西的铁路。本来政府期望通过这条铁路来增加收入,但是很少人使用这条铁路。但是过了很长一段时间之后,加拿大才出现大量的人来使用这条铁路。
第二段: 解释了其中使用delay的原因,大概是说首先因为天气和干旱的原因,农场主只能在每年的很短的一段时间内种植粮食,所以全国有很少的土地可以适合耕种,但是随着科技进步,他们就能够开阔以前不能开阔的土地。适合耕种的土地扩张了,工人的工作机会也多了,所以有很多人就从西部开始向东扩张,那么铁路的使用就增多了。或者是天气好了,农民丰衣足食了,地也开根的越来越多了,发现西边的土地和市场越来越有吸引力了。于是这个时候铁路的优势就被显示出来了,越来越多的人靠着这条铁路从东到西。
[为什么农民开始要乘铁路呢? 偶选:西边的土地有吸引力(attractive)]
4、what can you infer在文章里,我选了1900年加拿大的这条铁路业绩不是很好。


第一段讲美国立法本来以为是服务大众的,但是有两个神马专家一个叫K(这里有题,问这个人的观点是什么,有干扰选项是第二个人L的观点的),一个叫L,他俩意见很一致,说研究出来1915年以前government federal regulation只为business interest大公司服务的,不是为了public interest(这里有题,问如果这个学者是对的,以下哪个STATEMENT是对的,我选了 “公民抱怨某厂的卫生状况,government就立法了regulation,这个厂如果要遵守就很cost”,另外一个是“政府通过了某项立法,提高了某个business的成本”应该不是这个。[公众对卫生情况不满迫使政府立法,而这个法律会让相关企业花大大的钱]),可以防止进口产品的竞争啊什么的,受这些business利益的影响,才会制定相应对其有利的法案。(有题问which能undermine专家L的结论(就是business的利益会影响法案的通过)选一个跟L态度相反的就可以了,是道逻辑题。[有道题是问下面哪个事情反驳了这种说法,我选的是有一个对行业巨头有利的一项政策政府没有通过])
第二段,一个however转折,说不对,其实senator也不是完全受business影响来制定法律的。其实也受public interest的影响。然后作者就举了例子说有关一个地方的铁路train的Federal Act, 是著名的ICC railroad的例子,(有细节题,是关于ICC power的,来自于题目中的一个长句子,要注意读懂),我的理解那个长句子的意思是说1905年ICC准备regulate railroad industry,all but one of the businesses 都不同意修这个铁路railroad,但是senator还是坚持,在接下来的一年(也就是1906)通过的一个什么法案中批准了ICC有这个权利(有题,原文说的是19X5年这个法案被提出,然后经过senator的不懈努力,在19X6年这个法案生效了;选那个说这个法案用了一年最后生效的)。然后说这个铁路限制了三种不同的行业使用,其中有agriculture,木材,和XX。这个法案对这三种行业的利益影响各有不同,有个行业得到好处,agriculture支持favor(这里有细节题),有个没得到好处(split),有个行业有消极影响。这个地方没有题了,不看也可以的,因为作者态度在第二段开头已经很明确了,支持后者,反对前者。
俺选的是:为了老百姓 (public interest)
俺选的是,XX ACT 拓宽了ICC的power


1.4.1广告(comparative, non-comparative,relative, not relative)
第一段,文章首先提出说两个人W&F貌似,证明了有对比类的广告comparative advertisement(即在广告诉求中说我的产品比竞争对手的产品怎么怎么好)比noncompetitive类的广告更好(persuasive)。但后来部分研究结果表明,第一类广告在某些方面的确有优势,但另一些研究又表明第一类广告在说服力度persuasive上并不比第二类强。作者貌似是反对第二个研究结论的。他说这个研究很null(无效的,无价值的),因为它研究的两组广告,本身都是说服力不强的。作者举了例子(我实在记不清楚了,为避免误导大家就不写了,大家看这里的时候注意一下,因为有考题)。此外,用什么标准衡量说服力,也是这个研究的薄弱之处,因为early studies衡量广告说服力persuasive的方法是nonrelative measure的,它并没有引入相关性因素(relative factor)来较好的衡量广告的说服力度。之后的一些relative measure证明确实comparison形式的广告比较persuasive。
第二段,作者认为评价哪一种广告好,首先要解决relative factor的问题,应该多用现代relative的方法 (这里有考题)。balabala,记不清楚了。不过第二段很短,大家知道第二段作者的主要观点就好了。[作者开始批判这个研究而肯定第一个的观点. 指出实验之所以有这样的null的结果是因为他们所取的sample不对. Nonrelative 和relative的数据对postcommunication的作用不一样. 而上述研究因为只取了与结果一致的数据而造成了研究结果的局限性. 新的研究肯定了第一个的观点.]
补充一下 : 文章共两段(短),考了3题, 文章架构一开始说competitive比较有说服力, 接着转折说有一些研究推翻了, 但到了第二段作者指出后者研究上的缺点, 所以作者还是支持原来competitive较好,请注意作者的态度, 会考。
1. 主题: 对一个研究的品评
2. Nonrelative 和 relative 对 postcommunication 作用的区别: Specifically point out the reference
3. 为何研究的结果不对: 采样不完全
4. 第一题是问开头那2个学者最同意下面哪个。


1.3.3 二战美国女性与政治国内战后妇女参政现象研究的历史缺陷
The fields of antebellum (pre Civil War) political history and women’s history use separate sources and focus on separate issues. Political historians, examining sources such as voting records, newspapers, and politicians’ writings, focus on the emergence in the1840’s of a new “American political nation,” and since women were neither voters nor politicians, they receive little discussion. Women’s historians, mean-while, have shown little interest in the subject of party politics, instead drawing on personal papers, legal records such as wills, and records of female associations to illuminate women’s domestic lives, their moral reform activities, and the emergence of the woman’s rights movement.

However, most historians have underestimated the extent and significance of women’s political allegiance in the antebellum period. For example, in the presidential election campaigns of the 1840’s, the Virginia Whig party strove to win the allegiance of Virginia’s women by inviting them to rallies and speeches. According to Whig propaganda, women who turned out at the party’s rallies gathered information that enabled them to mold party-loyal families, reminded men of moral values that transcended party loyalty, and conferred moral standing on the party. Virginia Democrats, in response, began to make similar appeals to women as well. By the mid-1850’sthe inclusion of women in the rituals of party politics had become common-place, and the ideology that justified such inclusion had been assimilated by the Democrats.
The primary purpose of the passage as a whole is to
A.        examine the tactics of antebellum political parties with regard to women
B.        trace the effect of politics on the emergence of the woman’s rights movement
C.        point out a deficiency in the study of a particular historical period
D.        discuss the ideologies of opposing antebellum political parties
E.        contrast the methodologies in two differing fields of historical inquiry
most underestimated extent and significance.
According to the second paragraph of the passage (lines 20-42), Whig propaganda included the assertion that

A.        women should enjoy more political rights than they did无
B.        women were the most important influences on political attitudes within a family无
C.        women’s reform activities reminded men of important moral values不是改革活动
D.        women’s demonstrations at rallies would influence men’s voting behavior无
E.        women’s presence at rallies would enhance the moral standing of the party定位34行
According to the passage, which of the following was true of Virginia Democrats in the mid-1850’s?
A.        They feared that their party was losing its strong moral foundation.无
B.        They believed that the Whigs’ inclusion of women in party politics had led to the Whigs’ success in many elections.无
C.        They created an ideology that justified the inclusion of women in party politics.无
D.        They wanted to demonstrate that they were in support of the woman’s rights movement.无关
E.        They imitated the Whigs’ efforts to include women in the rituals of party politics.定位35行
The author of the passage would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements regarding most historians of the antebellum period?
A.        They have failed to adequately contrast the differing roles that women played in the Democratic and Whig parties in the 1850’s.
B.        They have failed to see that political propaganda advocating women’s political involvement did not reflect the reality of women’s actual roles.
C.        They have incorrectly assumed that women’s party loyalty played a small role in Whig and Democratic party politics.
D.        They have misinterpreted descriptions of women’s involvement in party politics in records of female associations and women’s personal papers.
E.        They have overlooked the role that women’s political activities played in the woman’s rights movement.


1.3.2  黑人奴隶自由
第一段简单介绍了一下,Eden(名字不确定)认为殖民时期一些企业主和奴隶主对黑人的管制不是很紧之后,美国南方黑人通过在做奴隶之外打工来赚钱,攒钱为自己赎身。但是研究发现,由于不打工的话,黑人也能通过自己种庄稼卖来赚钱,赚的钱不比打工的少,所以打工的并没有存更多的钱(有题,问支持这个观点的人认为什么)。但是Eden的观点persists among历史学家们inadequately consider both the research results and the role Africa American communities played。
第二段说在哥伦比亚时期,一些获得自由的黑人开始帮助那些还生活在水深火热里的黑人奴隶,举了个例子,成立了个啥组织,专门帮助黑人获取自由。(有题)有自由的黑人就通过几种方式帮助其他黑人:直接的经济资助、hiring their time、给travel in and out of cities的黑人提供shelter,还有一个方式。。。(有题)。
[评估黑人。。。反正我没选黑人怎么样帮助其他人。 我感觉看整体嘛。]


In her account of unmarried women’s experiences in colonial Philadelphia
, Wulf argues that educated young women, particularly Quakers, engaged in resistance to patriarchal marriage by exchanging poetry critical of marriage, copying verse into their commonplace books.Wulf suggests that this critique circulated beyond the daughters of the Quaker elite and middle class, whose commonplace books she mines, proposing that Quaker schools brought it to many poor female students of diverse backgrounds.

Here Wulf probably overstates Quaker schools’ impact.At least three years’ study would be necessary to achieve the literacy competence necessary to grapple with the material she analyzes. In 1765, the year Wulf uses to demonstrate the diversity of Philadelphia’s Quaker schools, 128 students enrolled in these schools.Refining Wulf’s numbers by the information she provides on religious affiliation, gender, and length of study, it appears that only about 17 poor non-Quaker girls were educated in Philadelphia
’s Quaker schools for three years or longer.While Wulf is correct that a critique of patriarchal marriage circulated broadly, Quaker schools probably cannot be credited with instilling these ideas in the lower classes.Popular literary satires on marriage had already landed on fertile ground in a multiethnic population that embodied a wide range of marital beliefs and practices.These ethnic- and class-based traditions themselves challenged the legitimacy of patriarchal marriage.

Q15: The primary purpose of the passage is to
A.        argue against one aspect of Wulf’s account of how ideas critical of marriage were disseminated among young women in colonial Philadelphia
B.        discuss Wulf’s interpretation of the significance for educated young women in colonial Philadelphia of the poetry they copied into their commonplace books
C.        counter Wulf’s assertions about the impact of the multiethnic character of colonial Philadelphia’s population on the prevalent views about marriage
D.        present data to undermine Wulf’s assessment of the diversity of the student body in Quaker schools in colonial Philadelphia
E.        challenge Wulf’s conclusion that a critique of marriage was prevalent among young women of all social classes in colonial Philadelphia

Q16: According to the passage, which of the following was true of attitudes toward marriage in colonial Philadelphia?
A.        Exemplars of a critique of marriage could be found in various literary forms, but they did not impact public attitudes except among educated young women.
B.        The diversity of the student body in the Quaker schools meant that attitudes toward marriage were more disparate there than elsewhere in Philadelphia society.
C.        Although critical attitudes toward marriage were widespread, Quaker schools’ influence in disseminating these attitudes was limited.
D.        Criticisms of marriage in colonial Philadelphia were directed at only certain limited aspects of patriarchal marriage.
E.        The influence of the wide range of marital beliefs and practices present in Philadelphia’s multiethnic population can be detected in the poetry that educated young women copied in their commonplace books.

Q17: The author of the passage implies which of the following about the poetry mentioned in the first paragraph?
A.        Wulf exaggerates the degree to which young women from an elite background regarded the poetry as providing a critique of marriage.The circulation of the poetry was confined to young Quaker women.
B.        The circulation of the poetry was confined to young Quaker women.
C.        Young women copied the poetry into their commonplace books because they interpreted it as providing a desirable model of unmarried life.
D.        The poetry’s capacity to influence popular attitudes was restricted by the degree of literacy necessary to comprehend it.
E.        The poetry celebrated marital beliefs and practices that were in opposition to patriarchal marriage.

Which of the following, if true, would most seriously undermine the author’s basis for saying that Wulf overstates Quaker schools’ impact (lines 17-18)?
A.        The information that Wulf herself provided on religious affiliation and gender of students is in fact accurate.
B.        Most poor, non-Quaker students enrolled in Quaker schools had completed one or two years’ formal or informal schooling before enrolling.
C.        Not all of the young women whose commonplace books contained copies of poetry critical of marriage were Quakers.
D.        The poetry featured in young women’s commonplace books frequently included allusions that were unlikely to be accessible to someone with only three years’ study in school.
E.        In 1765 an unusually large proportion of the Quaker schools’ student body consisted of poor girls from non-Quaker backgrounds.
整理者手中的答案版本为:A C D B



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